My Little Nerd-Part 2 (15 Years Old) 💙❤️

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"Hey, Gary?" Ash tapped on his friend's shoulder, who was sitting down on a wooden bench in the boys' locker room.

"Hm?" Gary hummed, not looking up at Ash, as he was tying his shoes. "What's up?"

"I, uh... need advice," Ash hesitated, his hand rubbing against the back of his neck. "You've dated before... right?"

"Mhm," Gary nodded, reaching for his water bottle. "Why? Got someone you like?" he raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Which one of the ladies grabbed Ash Ketchum's attention?"

"Well... um... about that," Ash said sheepishly, tugging on his cap. "There's a... a boy that I think I've fallen for... and I can't stop thinking about him..."

Gary pursed his lips, and sat still for a second. "Hmm," his head slightly tilted to the side. Then he got up and placed his hands on his friend's shoulders. "Alright. Tell me the situation."

"Well... it all started that day..."

Near the beginning of the school year, Ash had helped a boy pick up his things that were scattered all over the floor. He recognized the boy from his history class, and also as the one who got a high test score. He never had a conversation with the boy before, but went to help him, especially after watching everyone else trample over him like he was a blind little puppy. Things like that enraged Ash; why did no one ever seem to care about helping others if it didn't benefit them?

Ash had given everything that he had picked up back to the boy, but as he was talking to him, his friends came and took him away. At the time, Ash didn't think much of it...

Eventually it got to the time of the annual "math meet-up." This was basically a day of the year when all of the students that attended Vermillion High were called into the gymnasium to watch the selected students (of the same grade level/math level) compete against each other in a series of timed questions. Most of them were multiple choice, and were given time (depending on the difficulty of the question) to try and solve the math equation, and write down an answer on a whiteboard. Once it got down to the final three, it moved onto non-multiple choice questions. This was always an exciting event to watch or participate in, because the winner of each math division (algebra, geometry, algebra 2/trigonometry, pre-calculus, statistics, etc...), would be awarded the prize of not having to take their final exam for the semester, and would automatically get a 100% for their final exam grade.

Ash was not a nominee for the competition. He was in geometry for his math class, and was up among all of the other students in the audience, ready to watch. After the algebra contest ended, the geometry students were next. He recognized a few of his friends, who he already knew were going to be apart of it. A few girls he knew were also there, too.

As the geometry contest progressed, people started dropping like flies. Kids were being eliminated quickly. Eventually it came to a close, with a girl named Lana winning the relief of not taking the final.

Next came the algebra 2 and trigonometry students. And immediately, one boy stood out to Ash. He was the only person that he recognized in the group.

And guess who absolutely dominated, crushing all of the other students, and made the whole thing look easy?

Ash watched in amazement as he saw Goh Allens write down the equation and quickly scribble down the answer for the last question all with complete ease and control, ultimately winning his division. Ash couldn't even imagine solving those questions, let alone as quickly as Goh did it.

And as everyone started clapping for the winner, Ash watched as Goh gave the biggest, cutest, most sincere smile he had ever seen.

And after that moment, Ash couldn't stop thinking about the boy. Ash saw him everyday, sitting at the lunch tables, most of the time by himself, studying. He couldn't help but admire his hard work. And everyday, Ash would glance over at the boy, just to see what he was doing. He had wanted to go up and talk to him for a while... but didn't have the courage to.

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