My Little Nerd-Part 1 (15 Years Old) 💙❤️

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"How am I ever going to tell him?" a 15-year-old boy named Goh wondered, sitting at a far-end lunch table, alone. His blue, gold, and white school uniform fit him perfectly, along with his blue sweater, tailored to his measurements. His black hair, that was being grown out and the back of it being kept in a very small ponytail, swayed over one of his eyes in bangs. He kept quiet to himself, fidgeting with his fingers and nervously twitching his leg, his circular glasses sitting at the edge of his small nose, emphasizing his bright blue eyes.

He had his algebra 2/trigonometry textbooks out to study, but was distracted by the commotion coming from a lunch table on the opposite side of the cafeteria from him. Of course, that's where all of the popular, athletic kids sat, which was the complete opposite of Goh Allens.

He was staring at one of the boys in particular, who was the captain of the pokémon battling team. He had black, oily, messy hair, which never seemed to be brushed, as well as a baseball cap, being slightly off-centered. His rich, brown eyes were particularly friendly-looking and handsome, and he had a slight tan going around his body. A few freckles, as well. He was outgoing, funny, and a nice person.

However, Goh was positive that Ash Ketchum didn't even know he existed, or remembered him, at the very most. He only had one class with the popular boy, and that was History, as Goh didn't take a liking to that subject, and was not taking an Honors or AP course for history.

Goh knew Ash was not interested in doing very well on his school work, as he was mostly seen practicing pokémon training or being with his friends. Goh, on the other hand, had high-expectations set from his Filipino family for him to do well in high school, and then get a good job as a professor, lawyer, or doctor. He was expected to get the best grades out of everyone at his school, and get into an Ivy League college.

It was unfortunate that he didn't talk to many people because of his studying, because he didn't have many friends. And the few friends he did have had already met up at lunch with their own friend groups. So he was quite lonely most of the time. But luckily, he had one close friend that he knew since he was little, and Goh was quite thankful for her.

Goh sighed, still smiling at the trainer he admired so much. Sometimes he went to watch his battles, to see him in action, as if his life depended on it. It was amazing how devoted he was to a sport.

Goh still remembered the day Ash first interacted with him, and the only time he ever spoke to him.

He had been walking through the crowded hallways of Vermillion High, being pushed mindlessly around by others. And in doing so, someone bumped into him and he dropped his books on the ground, as well as his pencil case, which sent all of his writing utensils and calculator flying across the floor.

When Goh went to pick them up, kids just ignored him, and started stepping on his things that were lying down on the tile.

And that's when he noticed a boy picking up a few of his highlighters, walking over to him to return them.

"I see you need some help!" Ash chuckled, handing the bright highlighters over. Ash gave a soft grin.

"Oh, uh, t-thank you," Goh nodded nervously, taking the highlighter and placing them back in his bag while picking up the last of his books.

"I'm Ash," the boy said.

"Oh yeah, I know you. You're... the captain of the pokémon battling team," Goh replied back, saying it politely while smiling slightly.

"Oh, yeah! How'd you know?" Ash asked, wide-eyed.

"You're kinda popular around here," Goh raised an eyebrow, his lips curving upward. "I'd be surprised if anyone didn't know you."

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