The nerves

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The moment was over when, what felt like hours later, Alison re-entered the room. The Captain startled out of his trance, and both of them instinctively let go immediately, pretending like they weren't just sharing an intimate moment. Alison, being oblivious as to what was going on, stepped towards them with a thoughtful smile.

"I just remembered your question about the clothes. I talked to Mike and he should have some old shirts and jeans laying around. If that's okay with you?"
Havers nodded gratefully, making swift eye-contact with the Captain, who cleared his throat as he did so. William felt his cheeks heat up too as he turned his attention back to Alison.
"That'd be great. Thank you Alison." She smiled at that.

"Alright, follow me then, we'll get you some clothes. And- maybe we can go into town tomorrow? Get you some clothes of your own?" She suggested excitedly.
"Oh no- that's fine. I don't have any money-" Havers tried to say.
"Nonsense, I'll buy them. You can't keep walking around in the same clothes forever. Until you're up on your feet I'll do my best to help you out."
"I really wouldn't want to be a burden..." William began, glancing at the Captain.
"Oh no! Not at all! In fact, there are going to be loads of people over tomorrow anyway for the restoration of the foyer." She argued.
"The organisers for the party want it done before they start decorating, which is next week." She added quickly, pursing her lips and tilting her head slightly.

"Mike can stay here and watch the house, and we can have a trip to London maybe?"
Havers nodded in agreement, sparing a glance at the Captain.

"Will you join us, Captain?" He asked. The Captain gave him a mournful smile, shaking his head.
"I'm afraid not Havers. I'm unable to leave the grounds." He replied.

William fell silent for a few seconds, glancing at Alison, who grimaced and nodded in agreement.
"Well..." William began, unsure. "When's the last time you tried?"

"Really, Havers. I don't see how this is a good idea at all."
The entire group of ghosts was currently standing around the Captain and Havers, who were in turn standing at the very edge of the grounds, where the soft gravel of the pathway to the house met the hard cement of the road. Alison was standing on the other side of the invisible barrier, and the ghosts were chaotically talking over each other behind Cap and Havers.

"Last time it not go well." He said, side-eyeing Julian. Julian, who had been in a heated discussion with Lady B, turned his attention to the Captain and huffed as if he were offended. "I'll have you know that took an immense amount of willpower. A feat that, should I be alive, would be considered a highly valuable skill." He argued in that very distinct Julian-the-MP way he always did, pointing his finger at the Captain with vigour. The Captain raised his swagger stick up to him in response.

"Listen Cap! It can't hurt to try! You touched Mike yesterday? Who knows what else has changed?" Pat said, stepping forward slightly and shooing the Captain closer to the border. The Captain turned to look at the scout, taking his swagger stick with him as he turned and almost hit the shorter man in the face with it. He only just managed to step out of the way. The Captain took a very small step backwards instinctively.

"You know, I happened to try leaving when I first died. It's a horrible feeling really. Can't see what made Julian try over a hundred times." The Captain said, hesitant to try crossing the line behind him. It had. Not the sick feeling he would get when someone walked through him, but it still made him feel funny, like being inside of those washing machines, going round and round and round until you're so dizzy it's hard to stand up straight.

"Just get on with it, you scaredy-cat!" Fanny said loudly, waving her hand dismissively in his direction. The Captain sputtered, offended.
"Now listen here. I don't see why somebody else can't try, if you're all so eager..." He said, beginning strong, but trailing off near the end.
"Well, they can't touch stuff Cap. You can." Alison said, stepping a little closer towards them. From beside him he could see Havers nodding in agreement.
"I think it's worth trying, sir." He said, giving him a hopeful smile. The Captain's heart melted a bit at the look on his face. He could never say 'no' to Havers.

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