The Time-travellers' story

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After William's confession, the relationship between the Captain and William had not changed a whole lot. It was quite awkward for them, the idea that everything should change just because they admitted their feelings- when they were fine how they were at the moment. Neither of them had the need for more affectionate gestures right now. It was still hard for the Captain to express himself, and if William was being honest, he wasn't the most comfortable being physical either. But they'd agreed they wanted to see where a relationship could bring them, which was a big step forward after such a long time having spent avoiding their feelings. They were currently sitting in the kitchen, since Alison had banished them from the sitting room because of the decorators. William was having a bowl of yoghurt for breakfast as they talked things over about the previous day.

"You know William, I've had a long time to think about things, about my feelings. But without you being here- If you hadn't come I would have never taken a deeper look at myself. I guess... deep down I've always known I was different- but there had never been a real reason to admit that to myself. Not until you came back."

William gave a happy smile, he was on cloud nine today, as it seems the Captain was. The older man hadn't always been open about feelings, his own even more so, but now it seemed like floodgates were open, and he wasn't able to stop. William guessed that was what happened when you pent up your feelings for over 75 years.

"Yes but Theo, those were different times. There was a war on. We had different things to worry about. I've always respected your never ending ability to lead, even if you had your own struggles, and even if I had to help you out sometimes-" He began with a chuckle.

"But back then... there wasn't any room for feelings, and certainly not for people like us. I understand, Theo." He said, putting a hand on the other man's shoulder in comfort. The Captain leaned into it with a smile.

"Even so. I always got the impression you loved more freely, no matter who it was. I've always admired that in you." He replied.

"I don't think I loved any more freely than you, Teddy. I've just always been worse at hiding it." William said simply.

"Mhmm." Hummed the Captain in reply, smiling at the nickname.
"Teddy. You've not called me that in a long time." He remarked, with a suggestively raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I vaguely recall a night of moonshine and poker. You didn't like it then." Havers joked, poking the other man in the chest teasingly.

"Mhm, I did. I just didn't like the others hearing it. I don't think they even knew my actual name." The Captain replied with a smile. William laughed at that, pushing the empty bowl and spoon away from him on the table.

"I believe much has changed, then. I don't think anyone here knows your name."

The Captain rolled his eyes at that, but William pressed on.

"Maybe you should tell them soon, I'm guessing they're dying to know- oh dear- no pun intended, as they would say on the Inter-Net." He said, a blush forming on his cheeks that he quickly tried to laugh away. The Captain had never seen him look more beautiful.

"We've got plenty of time to tell them." The Captain replied, sitting back into his chair.

Williams smile wavered a bit a that, and he broke eye-contact as he looked back at the empty bowl on the table, deep in thought.

"Yeah..." he replied. And though the Captain hadn't noticed it, but the ex-lieutenant wasn't so sure at all.

Havers had been under a lot of stress lately. A stress caused primarily by the fact that he still wasn't sure what brought him to the year of 2019. Sure, he'd had the Captain's book, but that ending had only made him worry more. What if he truly would be sent back to die after he completed his mission? No- he wouldn't allow himself to. He couldn't leave the Captain, not again. His stress levels had not been helped by the constant buzzing of other people around Button house. Not only was the date of the party coming closer and closer- making Mike and Alison more anxious, but it also caused the house to be swarmed by people making preparations. The only thing that kept his mind off things was the Captain. Oh, the Captain. William had never been happier in his life than he was at this moment. The admittance of feelings that he had been waiting for so long, the happiness of finally being able to be open with each other in ways they had never been able to be before. It was simply blissful.

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