The plan

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"Are you sure it'll fit?" Alison asks, concerned.
"Ha! That's what she said."
"I'm sure it will." Mike said at the same time.
"What did he say?"
"You don't want to know." Alison sighed defeatedly. "Just screw the sprinkler in, Mike. Before you fall over."
Mike huffed.
"Ye of little faith. I'm a handyman now." He replied, screwing in the sprinkler successfully to demonstrate his point. Alison couldn't help but smile.
"Well at least be- careful!" She said, as he climbed down the ladder and it shook dangerously.
"You know this house... or something in it- is actively trying to kill us."

Mike grinned, firmly back on the ground. "At least I'd be able to see your friends then." He replied, putting the hammer in his back pocket and looking up at the ceiling. "Hi Julian."
"Still just down here, mate." Came the sarcastic reply, along with a little wave. Alison gestured to where Julian was standing, Mike following along. After a moment of looking blindly around the room, he looked back up at the ceiling. "At least this system comes with a central activation system. It even has a little remote." He said, flashing Alison the little white remote he'd buried in his pocket.

"We still need to figure out where to put the main alarm. But..." She said finally, looking up at the ceiling as well, where there was now a brand new sprinkler decorating the plaster.
"One down, twenty-two to go."

"What? The date I died? Why on earth-" The captain began, voice full of confusion. William bit his lip, a feat that would give Theo a heart-attack if indeed, he still had a heartbeat.
"I have an idea- it's... Nevermind. Do you remember the date?"
The captain stared at him for a moment, before squinting his eyes and releasing a breath.
"18th of December." He replied. Haver's mouth fell open in disbelief.
"Your death day was last week? Why didn't you tell me?"

The captain shrugged. "Well...normally it's tough, but this year you were here- so that made it somewhat more bearable." He paused for a moment. "And besides. I'm not fond of the rest of them knowing. None of them know the exact date anyway."

William released a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. The confession made him realise even more how private of a person Theodore was, and how lucky he was he'd been inside the high walls he'd managed to build around himself. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, before William stood up- determined.

"Teddy, there's something I'm going to try. I can't explain right now, but I need you to trust me."
The captain was still confused, but there was nothing on God's earth he wouldn't trust William with, so he firmly nodded. William gave him a reassuring smile and turned around, leaving the room. Muttering to himself as he did so;

"I'll make sure we get our happy ending."

"Well, that's the last of them. See? Told you it would work out." Mike said with a smirk, screwing in the last sprinkler and climbing down the ladder. Alison rolled his eyes playfully, hating to admit he'd been right.
"Yes you did, don't rub it in mister handyman."

"All that's left to do before tomorrow is fix the activation systems. Easy-peasy... squeeze the lemon."
"Pretty sure that's not how that expression goes." Alison remarked, leading Mike into the kitchen for a cup of tea.
"Well, it does in my head so-" Mike replied pointedly, walking around a pile of boxes that lined the wall of the kitchen and grabbing them both cups from the cupboard.

"We need to bring those to the attic as well." Alison remarked, her eye falling on the Ghost board Mike had still left in the kitchen, that was now hidden behind the boxes.
"And we should probably move the board as well." She added. Mike frowned at that.
"This will be a restricted area. They won't even come here."
"Well they might... The door won't lock anymore so they can just waltz inside whenever. Might be a bit weird if someone walks in and sees it. They'll think we're crazy."

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