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Being inside a modern car was... strange. Both the Lieutenant and the Captain had stepped into the vehicle with uncertainty. The Captain had held his breath as Alison had started the car, and he had actually stayed in his seat. Then he held his breath as they approached the gate, praying that the previous day hadn't been a dream and that he could actually still cross the border and not pull a Julian. But, as the car crossed the Button house borders, the Captain stayed firmly in his seat, and he'd breathed a quick sigh of relief.

They were both astonished too, when Alison put on music through Bluetooth. They'd spent the entire ride to London talking about their favourite songs, and asking Alison to put them on the radio.

"Marvellous! Truly incredible." Havers said with a disbelieving smile, staring at the radio.

"Yes. An amazing feat of technology indeed." the Captain echoed from beside William, barely able to contain his excitement in looking around as the villages and meadows flew by and slowly turned into the outskirts of London. While Havers had been chatting Alison's ears off in excitement the entire ride, about 'modern automobiles' and asking tens of questions about anything and everything, the Captain had been awfully quiet. Alison had checked on him a few times, and apart from the time he'd been looking at the airbase they passed a few miles outside of London, his gaze had been on William the entire time. William hadn't seemed to be bothered by it, so maybe they'd always been like that. But, something in the way the Captains' eyes twinkled as he looked at Havers, the fond smile he'd try to hide beneath his moustache, the way his stiffness seemed to melt away as he looked at his lieutenant, told Alison that maybe 1944 hadn't been the best time at all to be like that. But now times had changed hadn't they?

"Right! We're almost at the city centre. So much to see. What should we go see first?"

Havers seemed to ponder for a moment, a solemn look crossing his features before he answered.

"Well, if it's possible... I'd like to see Star street. Number 58, if you please." Alison tried to think if she'd ever heard of the street before, and if there were any landmarks there that she knew of, but she couldn't think of any major attractions. She typed it in on the GPS and noted it was in a street in Paddington. She was pulled out of her thoughts by William, who had followed her actions closely and was staring at her Navigation. She vaguely heard the Captain saying something about navigation, to which William replied with surprise.

"So, you're saying the entire map of London is in there? On that little screen?" He asked in disbelief. Alison nodded, turning off the main road into Paddington- looking over her shoulder as to avoid hitting any scooters. Or worse, old ladies. Or even worse, old ladies on scooters.

"Yeah, basically. Not just London though, the entire world." She said, a smile growing on her face at the look on Havers' face. The Captain only nodded silently in the backseat, he and Alison had already had this exact conversation before when she'd shown all the ghosts the wonders of telephones last year in 'Tech club'. (Pat had been absolutely gobsmacked by Spotify and Youtube, the idea of having every song in existence at your fingertips had nearly been enough to give him a heart attack- no pun intended).

"So, this device knows every single street in the entire world? How is this public property? Shouldn't this be top-secret army technology? Isn't it dangerous for everybody in the entire world to know the exact layout of every major and minor city in any country?" He asked, shooting questions like he was still on the battlefield.

"But... they had maps in your time too, right?" Alison asked, a bit confused.
"Well, yes. City maps and the like, but they weren't as advanced or detailed as this- it shows you aerial views, even the exact route to take- Look! It even tells you the time it will take! Incredible! But still- I can't imagine what enemy forces could do with this type of strategic advantage..." He said, trailing off at the end. The Captain spoke up when he seemed to fall silent.

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