Chapter Four

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Four months passed by, and I grew stronger from my dawn-to-dusk sparring sessions with Demitri. He and Hutser bumped me up from ground-fighter to air-expert. I fought best when I was in the air and Demitri didn't stand a chance, even though I would occasionally tone down my skills. This would make him think he had a fighting chance and he would keep trying, when he doesn't have a prayer in the world. It's devious, I admit, but it's only fair that I give him a sporting chance. And, to keep my skills from deteriorating, I keep in mind this is only training and that when I am in an actual fight, I will give my all. Just like I had promised Derek on the first night on the run from the Scylla.  

"You have improved greatly, Samantha. I'm very impressed. And, to put the cherry on top of the ice cream, so to speak, you have, indeed, beaten Derek's scores." Hutser announced as we walked outside to begin training. 

"Thank you, Master." I said, my head screaming celebrations and my heart soaring to the skies. 

"Therefore, I believe that it is time for you to learn about our greatest weapon. Fire." Demitri cut in, walking to stand beside Hutser. 

"Oh, yes! Boo-yah!" I shouted, pumping my fist in the air. Demitri and Hutser chuckled at my enthusiasm.  

"But, that's tomorrow. You can have the day off." Hutser explained, sending my soaring heart crashing back down to earth. My enthusiasm cooled instantly and my excitement fled rapidly. 

"I thank you for the opportunity, but I would like to start learning immediately." I said politely, just as my mother had raised me. 

"Did I give you an option?" Hutser asked, telling me I would have to hold the fire-training until tomorrow whether I liked it or not. 

"No, sir. I'm sorry. I'll make use of my day. Thank you." I corrected, not wishing for Hutser, who has helped me in so many ways, to be angry at me.  

"Good girl." He said, a smile replacing his frown. I breathed a sigh of relief and I was excused.  

I walked away a little and phased, intending to fly farther south for a little while.  

I flew mindlessly for a few hours, not knowing I was flying to the cave where I had waited for Derek all those weeks ago. I didn't realize I was headed there until I was almost there; close enough to smell the rocky earth. On impulse, I landed in the cold cave and looked around. Nothing had been disturbed, my claw marks were still on the floor, and the dirt was still shaped like a dragon. 

Nothing has changed, which means that nothing has passed into this cave, which means that Derek hadn't been here, which also means that he's dead. 

I sighed, letting my breath out through my nostrils and turned away. The atmosphere had retained the longing feeling I had been experiencing during my twenty-two nights here. It was depressing so I flew South, just to the edge of the Northern Snows and stopped to hunt.  

I arrived back at Hutser's at midnight, and Hutser was sound asleep in his bed.  

"Where have you been?" came a quiet whisper, making me jump. Demitri walked out of the shadows, rage written on his face and burned his eyes. 

"I was just enjoying my free day." 

"Yes, but where did you go? You were completely out of range." 

"Maybe I wanted alone time. Maybe I didn't want to answer questions about my mood." 

"You still could have told me where you were going before you left." 

"I didn't know where I was going. If I had, I would have told you. Why are you so worried? It's not like you, Demitri." 

"I saw a Scylla troop a couple hundred miles south. I was scared because I didn't know where you were with such danger in our territory."  

Right where I had been earlier today, near the Cave. To think I was in so much danger, and I hadn't even felt their presence.  

"A Scylla troop? No wonder you were worried. I'm sorry."  

"Forgiven. Just be more careful in the future."  

"I will, Demitri. I promise." I said, holding back a yawn, not succeeding. 

"You're tired. It's late. Let's go to sleep." He observed. I nodded and I was asleep before I could reach for the sheets.

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