Chapter Nine

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The next day, I awoke at noon. Demitri and Hutser were already awake and begging for some breakfast when I came down and because the only thing around was nothing but fast food, I asked Demitri to get the gold and silver for the exchange so we could get money for food. He vanished and I went through my intended list with Hutser while we waited. He approved of my plan and said that I should buy firewood as well since winter was well upon us. I agreed with him because Demitri and I can stay warm by phasing, whereas Hutser cannot.  

It was almost two in the afternoon when Demitri came back into the living room. He had several backpacks full of the goods. My eyes popped open when I saw this and imagined how much gold and silver were in those backpacks, and how much cash we would have.  

"Okay, let's get going." I said, shaking my head and standing up, claiming my share of three backpacks. Demitri and Hutser each carried three as well and Demitri claimed the last one'. When we were outside, Demitri and I phased, picked up the backpacks and Hutser climbed onto my back.  

The flight to town was short and we landed a good distance away so as not to attract attention.  

"There should be a jeweler's place in this town. I saw it when we passed through yesterday." I said, peeking out from the bushes we were hiding in. 

"Yes, I did as well." Demitri replied, taking his place at my side. "I believe that the store is located on the western side of town, on the left-hand side from our current perspective." 

"I agree. Now, we're going to look real suspicious with three people carrying three backpacks and walking into a jewelry store. What we're going to do is take only one backpack and leave the others here. We should have enough cash from the one to get us through the day. Hutser, I need you to stay here and guard the remaining nine packs." 

"Very well, Sam." 

"Question." Demitri piped up, raising his hand a little. 


"Why would we look suspicious? I mean all of us with the ten packs?" 

"Because the general public would think we were going into that store to rob the jewels. They would alert the police and we would be taken into custody. When they search us, they will discover the gold and silver and interrogate and imprison all of us for supposedly stealing the gold and silver from other stores." 

"Okay. I think I understand." 

"Any more questions?" I asked. I paused a moment, then nodded. Demitri and I left with one backpack and walked through the town to the jewelry store, which was pretty easy to find. But I scrunched my nose at the décor of the lawn. A store's success is measured in how well-kept its front porch is and I was not impressed by what I saw. The grass was short and completely dead, the hedges that bordered the jewelry store and the other store nothing but thick sticks, the fountain was shut off, rusting in some places and completely green in others. I could see the outline of an old sign but it was taken down and the front of the store looked like it was abandoned without the sign. The inside wasn't much better. The lights were off, the TV perches in each corner were empty, the counters held few jewels and zero customers. The chairs throughout the lobby were old and desperately in need of repairs. The desks beside some of them needed polishing badly and several needed to be replaced altogether.  

On my way to the lone clerk, I seriously considered turning around and finding a store better off but I didn't know where anymore were so this was our only option.  

"Hello. How may I help you?" Asked the lady I had walked up to. 

"I need an exchange." I said my voice low and serious. 

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