I don't know.

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the reads!!!!!! I just went through my mom's diary from when she was 12-13 it was nice sorta proofread 3052 words in all

"Weds please at least don't have that facing my bed"Enid was bent over she wasn't feeling well and Wednesday bored full of bloody images weren't helping.

"You also have to see it you're involved to Enid"Wednesday had some new pictures a dead mouse was left in front of the door when Wednesday and Enid were at class.

"Oh God that poor mouse"Enid had to physical turn away she was getting a tiny bit better with blood she doesn't pass out to much key word too much.

"It would've died anyways.... Thing did you see anything when we were at class"thing shook his finger he has been helping but hadn't had much luck.

"Weds... I think I'm gonna"and Enid goes down luckily she was right by her bed she her bed cushioned the fell but her body bounced off her bed and onto the floor.

Thing and Wednesday just looked at each other.

Wednesday sighed before she went and picked up Enid and put her onto her bed.

"Huh? Not again!"Enid was rubbing her.

"You need to get ahold of yourself"Enid just shook her head getting up.

"Not my fault that I can't handle blood"Wednesday walked back to the bored.

"You'll be soon"Wednesday was moving pictures around to see if it were to do anything.

"What's that suppose to mean"Enid toke that more as a threat then anything.

"I'm gonna beat Bianca"Wednesday heard Enid let out a loud gasp as she ran up to her.

"Like beat her up?"Wednesday stared at Enid like she was dumb.

"No Enid I'm gonna beat her at fencing"Enid made an O shape with her mouth.

"I don't think that's a good idea.."Enid ended up getting kicked off of the fencing team because of her low grades that she's still trying to get up.

"I don't care I'll be back"Wednesday bent down to put on her shoes.

"Wait you're not gonna do that now are you?"Wednesday just nonned her head still tying her shoe laces.

"Weds wait I wanna come"Wednesday had finished getting on her shoes now Enid was getting on her shoes Wednesday waited a few seconds before leaving.

"Hey weds! I told you to wait!"once Enid caught up to Wednesday she made a fake sad face.

"You took to long"Wednesday just shrugged Enid still didn't think this was a good idea.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean she is the fencing captain and she gets really cocky when she wins"Enid was still trying to convince Wednesday that it was a bad idea but Wednesday wasn't listening.

"Hush Enid I'll be back"Wednesday pulled her fencing suit out of her backpack.

"Wait when did you pack that? And when did you grab your backpack?"suddenly thing also popped out of the backpack waving at Enid.

"He got it for me"Enid just nonned she has gotten used to Wednesday weirdness.

"What do you think about this thing?"Thing made some signs with his fingers.

"Really you think so?"Thing nonned then Wednesday came out she was in black fencing clothes.

"Black, very on brand for you"Wednesday just nonned as she went into the fencing room there were people practicing.

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