Prologue ♦ how it started

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Archie got rejected.

Who would have thought that his sweet and easily-flustered workmate didn't like him at all?

But it wasn't just a simple matter of him misunderstanding his shy co-worker, nor was it his mind making things up..

It was a genuine attempt to embarrass him in front of everyone, recordings and all.

The joke wasn't funny, especially when the joke wasn't just about him but was him.

Everything backfired on the girl. Nobody appreciated a woman laughing at a man's genuine attempts at confessing. Much less someone who manipulated to get the confession in the first place.

At least... in real life.

The video got out, captioned "putting a desperate man in his place". Everyone supported her, and he was labeled as a jerk who kept flirting with women who didn't want him.

He was depressed, humiliated, and if he didn't have to take care of his sister, he probably would have starved to death as well.

Desperate to forget everything, he thought of drinking. After realizing he was too broke and that alcohol might erode his already famished stomach, he reads an online novel instead.

But rather than reading an action or a comedy novel, he read a romance novel.

Romance was a genre that he never thought he'd touch, and it would only rub salt on his still-fresh wound. The description, however, caught his attention.

For the first time, it wasn't the idea of a new world with royals or nobles, or creatures and magic that caught his attention but soulmates.

The idea of having someone destined for you in this world. The sheer thought of always having a chance of finding true love in the end...

Archie felt a little warm inside.

In another universe where a meter only you can see is marked on your left wrist, indicating your progress with your fated... In another world where you know you're never truly alone, that someone out there is waiting for you...

It was beyond expectations. Nobody, not even Archie himself saw this coming, that an action novel type of guy like him would get sucked into this kind of book.

But little does he know...

One day, it may just mean so literal...

That night, before crying himself to sleep, he looked outside his window.

He wished...

He hoped...

that someone would take him out of there.

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