Chapter 1 ♦ in a dream(?)

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"-lease, answer me!"

A girl's sobs woke Archie up from his... Sleep? trance?

He was standing, and he didn't seem to be in bed. Could this be a dream...?

She was a head shorter than him and had tears streaming down her cheeks.

She wore a wronged expression on her face as she screams, begging him even, to answer.

"Why... Why do you keep ignoring me?!"

"Who the fu-"

The girl weakly hits his chest, trying to convey her frustration.

Archie staggers, confused.

He felt that.

That small thump, that inkling of pain...

This wasn't a dream.

The question of 'what's going on?' rang through his (painfully aching) head.

"Why do you..." She hiccups softly. "Why do you keep treating me like a stranger?!..."

"Charantia!" A boy with black hair and blue eyes calls out.

Archie, now even more confused looks around and observes his surroundings.

His confusion quickly morphed into panic when he realizes that no,

'This isn't home.'

His breath hitches seeing the vibrant viridian everywhere.

It was supposed to be winter...

'This isn't home. Not even the same country.'

The ground was healthy and green. There was no snow. The flowers blossom, and the smell... Ugh, the smell...

The scent of multiple flower fragrances refuses to leave his already overwhelmed senses alone.

'where am I? Where am I? Where am I?!' repeats inside his head like a broken record.

It didn't help when the boy earlier suddenly grabs his collar with an angered "what did you do to her?!"

Archie was now being furiously shaken back and forth as the boy questions him further.

His screams, accompanied by the girl's pleas to "Let my brother go, Rax!" and the nauseating stench of flowers (why were there so many flowers?!) Made his headache worse.

Archie wanted to puke on the boy out of pettiness.

"Fraximus, please let him go..."

"I can't let him hurt you any more now, Tia!"

Archie grunts.

"Hurt?! I didn't even do anything!" He exclaims in disbelief. "you're the one holding me up by my collar!"

"Why else would she cry, you asshole?!" The guy, Fraximus, as the girl calls him earlier angrily grips his clothes tighter.

"Let me go you-"

his splitting headache turns into a splitting body ache as his body tenses up.

His bones felt like nothing despite his muscles feeling like everything. All. At once.

Saliva pools from the back of his throat and suddenly, he didn't feel anything but a light tingling sensation from his everywhere.

He couldn't think. He couldn't even breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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