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"Katsukiiii!!!" Kirishima called from the front door of the blond's house, awaiting with his backpack slung haphazard over his shoulder for his friend to meet up for their usual walk to school.

Today was special though, this wasn't any old school day, no average morning, it was their first day of the second year at UA highschool.

"Ah shut up, I'm coming!!" He barked back, crumpling his tie as he hurried down the stairs.

"The tie? Again?" Eijiro laughed, setting down his bookbag, he gestured for Bakugo to pause his rushing and have it fixed. "Dude, I've taught you, like, six times now, how are you still struggling?"

"Shut up."

"There, it's fixed." Brushing a few crumbs off Bakugo's crinkled uniform shirt, the red head gave him a thumbs up, indicating he was free to hustle around again. "Hey, what's the deal anyway? You're usually so punctual?"

"My alarm broke, the piece of sh-"

"Katsuki!" His mother, Mitsuki, barked appearing from around a corner.

"What?" He yipped back, sloppily hustling out the front door as he tugged on a shoe.

"Have a good first day,"

Through their rushing out the door, Kirishima shouted a thanks for the both of them, and the two were off, on their way to a whirlwind of a day.

The school was packed when they arrived.

Frantic first years flustering around the grounds, eyes glued to school maps and schedules. Rowdy third years, familiar with the campus and staff, causing trouble as they caught up with old friends.

Wading through the sea of people, Kirishima shook the blond's shoulder trying to hype him up for their first day. Bakugo just rolled his eyes, giving a uncaring grunt.

In the classroom, the familiar faces of the rest of 2-A awaited chattering away before Aizawa arrived.

A swarm of old friends gathered about them, shouting greetings as Bakugo wildly protested the warm welcome. 

Though, he settled down, at least, as much as Bakugo could settle down. Sitting, stewing in his seat, shooting glares around the room, he feigned a usual anger, but Kirishima knew, he was happy to be back, yelling at the same old idiots for the same stupid nothings.

A smile tugged on his cheek, and his gaze averted to the pencil he'd been twiddling with. Admittedly, it was great to be back.

The day continued on with the usual bustle of a  busy first day always does; Aizawa entered, gave them the usual yearly nonsense, and allowed the remainder of the half day for classroom organization and cleaning, a mundane but required process.

After lunch, the group was dismissed to the dorms to finish moving in and become reacquainted with the space.

Two weeks prior, Bakugo had come in to set up, leaving him fully prepared for the first day and ready to relax after the chaos-addled morning. Kirishima though, had not, and requested a bit of help in moving.

"Damn it shitty-hair, I don't wanna move your shit, I've got tons of other shit I could be doing!"

"Like what?"

The blond quieted before grumbling. "Things,"

"C'mon you don't even have to lift anything, you could just sit on my bed an' be moral support!" The redhead whined, attempting some kind of puppy-eyes trick.

As much as he would have liked to deny it, Katsuki finally caved, truly, he didn't have anything better to do.

"Fine! If it gets ya to stop asking!!"

Reluctantly, he followed Kirishima to help unpack, because if he was going to be dragged over it'd be pointless not to do something.

The redhead's room was right next door, left just as it had been the last day they'd been inside, boxes piled outside in the hallway awaiting their return to the room.

Picking up the first box with ease Kirishima offered a few verbal instructions to the blond who grabbed two boxes, carefully reading the labels as he brought them in.

By the time they'd gotten all the boxes moved in and partially unpacked, golden afternoon sun was pouring in the window as they lay exhausted on the bed.

Honestly, Katsuki had enjoyed all the moving nonsense, he and Kirishima had spent all summer together but it was almost calming to go through his things, hang up dumb pictures and watch the place come to life. But the blond would never admit it— how nice it'd been.

"Put me to work today— you owe me shitty hair," he grumbled, chucking a pillow into Eijiro's face.

"Psh, consider it payback for bringing that Mc Donald's last weekend."

"Ugh, you're really playing that card?!" Sitting up in a playful spunk, he snatched the pillow back, hurling it again at his friend's face, that time, with a bit of force.

"Ack!" The redhead fell dramatically backward and a quick hand reached for another, smaller pillow, hucking it in revenge and nailing Katsuki's head.

They were now engaged in a proper pillow fight , throughly unmaking the bed they'd just spent twenty minutes making.

"I'll kill you!!"

Their playful tussle lasted a good moment until Bakugo was finally pinned, Kirishima kneeling over him, a pillow raised above his head for the final hit.

A devilish smile crossed Eijiro's face— he was about to make the end-all, win-all K.O. blow and take the place as winner of the fight.

But, before he could deliver the devastation, a voice shouted down the hall. Both paused momentarily staring at eachother in the fit of their childish game, trying to hear and blushing slightly in their immaturity.

The voice was Ochako, delivering the news that their pizza had arrived and slices were first come first serve.

Perking up immediately, both rolled off each other, scrambling to the door for a good slice of pizza. Just as they tumbled out the door, Kirishima decided to play a dirty move.

He tossed the pillow he'd been holding straight into Bakugo's face, giving himself a terrific head-start.

The two raced into the commons, where to warm slices of pizza awaited perfectly for their arrival.

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