Christmas secrets

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"alright everyone, time to pull out a name for secret Santa's!" Cisco announced walking into the room where everyone was.

"Ooh, I hope I get someone good!" Caitlin said clapping her hands.

"Hey Dr wells, you gunna join?"  Caitlin asked.

"Umm no I'll pass, have fun." Wells said fidgeting with a pen while sitting.

"Oh come on! It's just one present you'll have to buy! It's not that hard. and'll never know who you'll geeet." Y/n said.

All eyes was on wells now, all waiting for a response.

Wells hesitated for a minute, then he rolled his eyes, and putting his hand on his forehead "Sigh. Fine I'll join."

"Right then" Cisco said taking the pen out of wells hand and wrote down wells name on a piece of paper and put it in the hat with all the others names in it.

Cisco then mixed the names up.

"Who's first?" Cisco asked holding the hat out.

"I'll go first" Caitlin said. Caitlin walked up to Cisco and put her hand in the hat mixing then a bit more before taking out a piece of paper.

Barry then walked up and took a paper as well. Then y/n, and then Cisco.

"Well you're the last one" Cisco said looking at wells holding out the hat towards wells.

Wells obviously looked annoyed but he got up and took the last paper out of the hat.

"Let the shopping begin!" Cisco yelled out.

A little while later, STAR labs was quiet, everyone had went home, but wells, he was working on something for Barry's suit.

While working on the part, wells caught the paper out of the Connor of his eye, the paper was on the table under some stuff.

Wells looked at it once before going back to his work, then he stopped what he was doing and signed, shook his head, and picked up the paper and read the name on it.

Y/n was written on the paper.

"Great, now what am I supposed to get her" wells said under his breath.

The next day Caitlin had seen Dr wells at a antique store looking around, she decided to have a look around as well.

"Dr wells?" Caitlin asked.

"Uh. Oh Caitlin." Wells said.

"What are you doing here?" Wells asked.

"Shopping, I suppose that's what you're doing?" Caitlin said.

"Yeah, what else would I be here, I mean look at this stuff, it's crap" wells said putting something he had back on the shelf.

"So who'd you get? I don't think anyone that works at STAR labs likes antique stuff" Caitlin said.

"Yeah I don't know what to get them." Wells said in a irritated tune, putting his hands in his jacket."

"Well... maybe asking them, but not making it obvious that you're their secret Santa?" Caitlin said.

"Right then, thanks for the talk" wells said before walking to the door.

"Have a good one" he added before walking out of the store.

Wells was walking down the street when he saw a pink stuffed bear sitting on a shelf in a store. Wells Walked towards the window of the shop. He hesitated to get it, thinking you won't like it.

Just then wells saw you looking at something inside the same shop he was standing at.

He quickly turned around, not wanting you to see him.

Christmas Secrets☃️ The Flash Harrison Wells X reader + One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now