Movie night

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Cisco had convinced Harry to watch a scary movie with him, with many attempts, Harry finally gave in and said he'll watch it.

Even before the movie could start Harry was already criticizing the movie for poor animation.

"Oh come on, you actually watch this stuff" Harry said.

"It's not even 10 minutes in, be patient" Cisco said stuffing popcorn in his mouth.

Harry sat there watching the most annoying movie he ever seen in his life.

"If you hadn't stayed in the house, she wouldn't be dead" Harry said.

"And, how does this make any sense, I mean, the killer was at the main entrance, how did he get to the back in 10 seconds, the house is a mansion" Harry added.

Cisco looked at Harry, and rolled his eyes " it's a movie" cisco said.

5 minutes has passed before Harry then again talked.

"That doesn't make any sense, you can easily break the window to get out of that situation, and if you would fall from that height, you wouldn't get hurt that badly"

"And this isn't scary, the animation on the killer is pretty bad, and the killer IQ is as well horrible. I could have already killed that guy." Harry added.

Cisco looked at Harry in a disbelief look.

"Can you just watch the movie?" Cisco said in a irritated tone.

Harry stuttered before throwing himself back in his seat.

"Oh come on! Kill him already! If you'd killed him, he wouldn't have got away!" Harry yelled.

"You told me there were jumped scares in here" Harry said.

"If you watch the movie, you'd be able to see them" Cisco said.

Harry finally went quiet, but before he could speak again, a jump scare came across screen, making Harry jump.

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just jump?!" Cisco asked.

"What? No! That wasn't even scary"
Harry said.

"Oh, Caitlin and barry aren't gunna believe this" Cisco said.

"No Hey, h-hey, no no, I did not jump. That wasn't scary, I didn't jump" Harry explained stuttering.

"Just wait till I tell everyone you got scared" Cisco said.

Harry shook his head putting one hand on his head.

All week, no one stopped talking about the movie night, no matter how hard Harry tried to explain.

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