Chapter 14: The Woods

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"Camellia? Where are you calling me from?"

"I have bought myself a new phone on my break." Louis hummed, "since my other one is broken."

"I see." Harry opened the glass door to go outside. "Hello, I was expecting to not hear from you until later."

Louis chuckled, "surprise." He sighed happily, "Good afternoon, Harry."

"Good afternoon, Camellia." Harry stretched in the frigid outside air. "How did you sleep?"

"Very well, thank you. Abraham, how is he?"

"Still asleep." Harry smirked, "although he was upset at Isaac for a short time, they slept together."

"Oh, how good!" Louis cheered. "And you, Harry, how did you sleep?"

"I slept well, but I think if you were here it could have been better." Harry walked across the dew-covered grass, "It will be strange not seeing you today."

"It will be," Louis agreed. "I will be home at eight."

Harry sat down, topless, crossing his legs. He closed his eyes when the wind collided with his skin. "I do not want to wait that long."

Louis giggled, "Just like a child."

Harry smiled, "It's strange..." His smile fell slowly, "how much I miss you, although I was just eating with you last night." Harry opened his eyes, staring around at his vast backyard. "I really do miss you."

Louis sighed softly, "I understand, Harry. I promise, as soon as I save up enough money –and we move, I will work less."

Harry looked down at a small patch of flowers covered in snow. "What if I do not want you to work at all?"

"I will not listen. Working is my only independence. I need to provide for my child, for myself."

"And I can do all of those things."

"I know what you can do, and I know what I can do."

Harry breathed, "So stubborn."

"I have to be."

"I wonder if that is what makes me so attracted to you –your stubbornness." Harry looked up when a snowflake fell onto the grass. "When you said, we will move –who were you including?"

Louis laughed, "Who did you think?"

His tone made Harry grin, "Tell me."

"Abraham, myself –you." Louis went quiet, "although you will not."

Harry scrunched his eyebrows together, "says who?"

"You –if you move, they will know you are not dead, will they not?"

Harry chewed on his lip, "you are very smart, omega, you pay attention to many details."

"I have been told. –it is true, you will not come with me."

Harry watched as his backyard was slowly covered with thin flakes of snow. "If I court you, will you still move?"

"What do you think?"

Harry caught a flake in his hand, "you will leave me, because you've wanted this for a long time."

"I would never leave you." Louis sounded angry, "and the fact that you can even think that I would is disgusting."

Harry's heart skipped a few beats, "I –I –apologize, omega."

"If I am nothing, I am at least faithful. How can I leave you if I am with you –if you go so far as to court me? How little do you think of me, alpha?"

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