Chapter 21: Sitka

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note: Barrow is not as cold as I make it.


"Abraham," Harry called from the kitchen, "lunch is ready." A few seconds later, the patter of two tiny feet came running into the kitchen.

Abraham ran up to Harry's leg, hugging his loose pants, "baba, I am playing right now."

Harry looked down at the puzzle piece in the boy's hand, "I see, but it is time for lunch so playing must wait."

Abraham nodded, kissing Harry's thigh, "yes, baba. I put the piece back." The small alpha ran out of the kitchen, almost tripping, before he kept on. Harry smiled softly, shaking his head. He set down Abraham's plate of food on the table, setting a cup of water next to it. He set his own, much larger plate, across.

"Back, baba, back!" Abraham sat on his cushion, bowing. "Thank you, baba..."

"You are welcome, good manners." Harry praised, picking up his fork. "Isaac will come home tonight with his parents; they've wanted to have a day together before we leave."

Abraham nodded, face stuffed with food. He chewed, and swallowed, "we move to Alaska."

"Yes, Abraham." Harry leaned over to wipe something off the boy's face. "I am sorry I cannot join you in playing, I must finish packing the little things."

"It's okay, baba, it's okay." Abraham smiled, "love you."

Harry squinted at him with a smile, "you are being very sweet today, alpha."

Abraham blushed, looking down at his food, "sorry..."

"No, no." Harry wiped his face, crawling over to Abby's side. "Come, alpha."

Abraham quickly climbed into Harry's lap, "I am a good boy, baba."

"Yes, you have grown so much –you are very good, as you have always been."

Abraham touched Harry's ring on his neck, "mama..."

"Will be home tonight, and then he will not go back to work. Today is his last day." He kissed Abby's cheek, "we will be with mama every day for a while." The alpha rolled his eyes, "until he becomes stubborn enough to find a job."

Abraham smiled, snuggling into Harry's chest, "wanna be with mama every day."

"I do as well." Harry hugged the boy close, "When we go to Alaska, I will be gone sometimes –I will be building our home." He lifted the boy's face, "will you take good care of mama when I am not home?"

Abraham nodded quickly, "yes! I take care of mama!"

"Good boy," Harry praised, kissing his forehead.


"Yes, alpha."

Abraham bit his lip nervously, while Harry tucked his baby hairs away. "Um, mama has a baby now?"

"Oh." Harry blinked, "mama does not have a baby right now, Abraham."

"Oh," Abraham fiddled with his hands, "when mama has a baby like Liam?"

"Hm," Harry smiled warmly, "Hopefully soon, but we will not hurry mama to have a child, it is for his body to decide, understand?"

"Yes, baba." Abraham bowed, "um, if mama has a baby –no hurry, no hurry!" He shook his long hair, "but –if mama has a baby, will it be girl or boy?"

Harry grinned, "I do not know."

"Hm," Abraham thought to himself, "want girl, baby sister."

Harry snuggled him close, "I would love a girl, a boy," He tickled Abraham softly, making him giggle. "I would love just you. It will not change how much I love both of you."

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