Jasmine,lets talk

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The next dad the bell rung letting everyone change their class,it was pe for perl and jasmine and knowing her she wouldn't show up. Jasmine walked anywhere that offered quiet and soon enough she spotted jasmine and ran toward her making jasmine jump and clutch her big brown book.

"Jasmine?we need to talk"

Jasmine looked up her mouth slightly parted and her big brown eyes wide.
" un-I-yyuh yes I mean."  Jasmine slurred out her words.

"What do you know?" Perl asked her as they was in a empty classroom her voice echoed. " about?" Jasmine asking " save the bullshit.your drawing."It came true..but it like everything.. "'perl stumbled over her next words." Reset." Jasmine looked at perl as she breathed out " precisely." Perl looked up. "That a better way to explain it" perl continued. And jasmine sighed." You.. have no idea. What happened at the hotel,do you?"

"The hotel?" Perl questioned turning the world globe on the teachers desk. "When you freaked out about a monster?" Yes.. that did happen and it ended when you showed it it's reflection. Non of you remembered so I didn't bother mentioning it again.." liza,and ejay don't remember neither." I mumbled " exactly." I-I been trying to piece together exactly what happened but I think we tore a hole in time and space." Jasmine started mumbling

" An alternative dimension. Where things go wrong ." We where most things in life go right. I been getting like hints.in my dream and I draw them. " she flipped through her notebook.  " and..I think it got something to do with this." She reached in her jacket pocket and pulled out  a keychain " a pumpkin keychain?" No..not just any keychain." And this not the og I've 3D printed this." She showed me a drawing of the same keychain and a drawing of a tall,slender man in a black and white suit with long fingers a pumpkin for a head and long orange hair

" the pumpkin prince .He a curse..and our niko invited this thing to prey on us for the halloween month. " she glanced up " wait wait slow down..you saying.. this thing basically hunting us? " no I'm saying we hunted kids." She rolled her eyes in sarcasm. " but why?" Perl asked not catching her sarcasm. " ion know. Who do anyone know? Why do it matter? They demons they here to kill steal and destroy.that's all to it."

"How you find all this information?"

"Research,we not the first one who happens to picked up this keychain in the past,early pilgrim days a group of kids it was 6 of them picked this thing up. Only one lived to defeat it but she long dead and left no useful information behind. Again in the 70s, a trio happened to get this keychain too."

"I do think... if niko never would have picked up the keychain, we wouldn't be in this problem to begin with. " how do you know niko picked it up." Perl exclaimed her hand out

" he had it when he came out of the pumpkin patch you guys just didn't notice." Jasmine mumbled "Fine fine,lets go back to the the patch than." Perl said hopefully

"I tried "  jasmine sighed and chewed on her pencil." There was nothing worth mentioning. I didn't know if another thing would show up. Since these creatures did pop up,again and you remembered I got a theory we all have to experience our own little scenario to remember. "

"We could possibly try to convince james but.." And niko def thinks we crazy." RINGGGGGG" the bell rung making perl sign and jasmine fidgeted with her thumb nervously with her brows frowning.Jasmine gathered her stuff and looked at perl " wait,one last thing." Jasmine glanced back holding the door."what do we call..these things?"

" Entities" replied jasmine.

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