Chapter 3; Nemesis.

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I watch Mr Ganem as he puts down his telephone, "He is going to be here in a few." He says with a smile, "Now tell me more about yourself."

When he asked what would make me feel better I said having my certificate and cvs taken a copy of by the Zayd guy but Mr Ganem said he would do both, take copies of my documents and also bring me something to drink.

I am in the middle of explaining myself to Mr Ganem when I hear a knock on the door. I turn. And God!

I could see him, Zayd. Through the door. Like clearly. Standing with his hands in his trouser pockets. Waiting to be allowed in.

This is why he was so furious with me and didn't want to hear me out; he saw me with my ear pressed on his door listening to their conversation. Now I am sweating. How am I to face him again, hell! How am I to work with him now that I am employed. Kill me!

"Come in." Mr Ganem called out.

He opened the door, a small smile plastering through his face but the moment his eyes land on me the smile evaporates. Both, Mr Ganem and I see the change of mood in him.

Mr Ganem wastes no time, he picks up my file and holds it out for him "Take a copy of these and bring Miss Adam something to drink." He doesn't wait for his respond he turns to me "What would you like to drink?"

"Erm, water?" I say, looking from Zayd to Mr Ganem.

"Bring her water, please."

One thing about this Zayd guy, he can't hide what he feels from his face for his life. His face was all grumpy, a frown on his forehead and his lips twitching. He yanks the files from Mr Ganem's hand while glaring at him like there's no tomorrow and walks out of the office with his head held high he leaves the office and of course didn't fail to somewhat dramatically slam the glass door on his way out.

"Don't worry about him, he only acts like that when he's hungry." Mr Ganem jokes.

But I don't think so. We continue talking though, I and Mr Ganem. About my life and all. Apparently he knows the company Amy Feysal works and he knows the owner, the management but my uncle's name doesn't ring a bell to him.

Not so long, Zayd comes back. He enters the office the moment Mr Ganem says;

"I think you will be a really great asset to our company, Malika. Your thinking is quite different and I would really like to finally see a woman handling our company's financial needs since I know how women are good at handling money." He says with a smile.

"We can't hire her." Zayd says as he literally shove the copies in Mr Ganem's hand.

Mr Ganem frowns, "What do you mean we can't hire her? Have you seen her transcripts? Her grades? She is the best financial analyst we could have." Mr Ganem says to him.

I quickly thank him for what he just said, my eyes unwillingly drifting to Zayd and I don't know why but the child in me begs to come out and all she really want to do is to stick her tongue out at him.

He, Zayd, on the other hand angrily and tightly grasps the glass of water in his hand but somehow, he gently and very much respectfully manages to place the glass of water in front of me before he turns to face Mr Ganem.

"Ye..- I mean NO! Why would I do that." he looks at me and scoffs.

Brother, please!

I roll my eyes internally.

"Well you should." Says Mr Ganem.

"I don't need to, she is young, she is not experienced and she is just but a fresher." Zayd argues.

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