Chapter 15; The Wedding.

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For the merest part of her life, all seemed well. She was smiling at least half of the hours in her days which was more than usual. And within those few days, of those half smiles in those half hours, she made sure to hold on to them internally just in case they be taken as being secretive or deceitful. Or, even, deemed that she was happy.

It seemed strange to to feel happy at all.
Malika thought it was something that only happened to others. Her family life was permanently tainted, but that was her normal. She knew nothing else. For happiness to have seeped in implied her normal was actually temporary.

Or could be a whole week.

Then the she had to get married.

She couldn't believe that this was actually happening.

The makeup artist had already set all her equipments down around Malika's bed, her big ring light already standing shining bright around the room. She looked at Malika who was still sitting down on her praying mat her eyes focused down to the beautifully knitted Kabbah that was on it. Being a makeup artist for about seven years now she had managed to have the ability to sense a nervous bride one kilometer away. And as it was part of her job to see each bride calm, and so she attempted to calm the one before her at the moment.

"Malika." She called out softly at her.

Malika raised her eyes and looked at the woman before her who just called her name.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded slowly and turned her eyes back to her prayer mat.

"Your eyes are giving me all ideas on how I am going to do your make up today." She said cheerfully.

"Or do you have any idea how you'd like it?" She asked.

Malika shook her head no.

"What about a sharp eyes with a little heavy eye pencil, red wine lips, huh?"

"Sounds nice." Malika said slowly, she tried her best giving the makeup artist a smile, she knew better than to make the poor woman's job hard. Her life mysteries shouldn't affect others.

"It's eleven twenty eight, we need to get started on with your makeup your niqah is supposed to be done and over after jumah prayers, I need to be done with you by then." The makeup artist explained calmly.

"Please give me a few minutes." She said slowly as she stood up to offer two more rakats.

"Ya Allah, I depend on you alone, I have no power of my own. When things and times are going well for me, I know they have come from you and that I have no power of my own. In my trials, I rely on you. In my temptations and tribulations, I trust in you. My success and temporary failure are all in your hands and so is my soul. I have no power of my own. Please guide me through this journey, make it easy for me even when it was meant not to be."
She whispered the dua after praying two rakats.

She wrapped up her prayer mat and walked to the chair that was set for her to sit on. She sat quietly and waited for the makeup artist to begin her work.

An hour and a half later she was done and by the time, Malika had already been declared a married woman. She could hear all the voices yodelling from outside her room and the excited squeals from the guests and everyone else who was invited to the wedding.

"Let's put your dress on for you." The makeup artist said sweetly. Malika nodded and stood up, she took out her wedding gown that was hanged inside her cupboard and the makeup artist helped her into it.

Standing in front of the long mirror that allowed her to see herself fully. The makeup artist had really delivered! Her make up was on point, her emerald green dress fitted her perfectly and Ma shaa Allah, her heena was outstanding. All these things lined up perfectly didn't help what was going on inside her heart. She had never felt more alone and vulnerable- before than she was at that moment.

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