Chapter 5

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Stella's P. O. V:

Today is Pony Camp day, and my mum, brother and I were going. Dad is back at home.

I wear a long sleeved blue shirt with a short zipper up my neck, along with my white Bright Fields jumper, and beige jodhpurs.

I wear a long sleeved blue shirt with a short zipper up my neck, along with my white Bright Fields jumper, and beige jodhpurs

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I wander around with my brother, chatting about what had happened last night. Mum has gone off somewhere.

We see Derek's car pull up in the driveway and Pin and Sam get out.

I go over to Pin and hug him. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask when we pull back. He nods, smiling at me.

"I'm fine. Are you going on the Hack today?" Pin asks me.

"Yes," I reply.

Ted says, giving me a tight smile, "Well, I heard you stuck up for Peter yesterday. Thank you, Stella." Peter is Pin's real name but only his dad calls him that.

I just offer a smile in return.

Pin tells him, "You should've seen her yesterday, dad. Stella and Aurora were amazing in the arena." He's referring to my dressage lesson.

"I'll bet," Ted says. "You've always had a talent for it."

Pin and I head to where he's supposed to be working near Firefly's stall, the both of us chatting. I'd told Pin about last night.

I watch Pin and Ted work for a few minutes before I say, "I'd better get going. I'll see you later, Pin?" Pin nods and sends me a smile as I leave to go watch Marcus's demonstration.

Marcus canters Monty around the arena to warm him up.

There were three vertical jumps set up.

As Marcus canters Monty around to the fence on his far left, Ben asks as he studies the green lead rope he was practising tying up with, "Have I done it right?" None of us answer or look as we were busy watching Marcus, though Jade and Becky have dreamy expressions on their features. "Guys?"

"Sorry, Ben," The Gills apologises. She gestures to Marcus approaching the first jump. "We we're too busy... assessing the way Marcus's horse approaches the jump."

Upon reaching it, he leaps smoothly over it and lands, earning them a burst of applause. Marcus turns Monty towards the middle jump.

The Sidebottom says dreamily, "He's so hot."

I tell her sarcastically, nodding, "Yes, Becky. Marcus's horse hot and sweaty."

Becky retorts in exaggeration, "I'm not talking about the horse, Stella. I'm talking about Marcus?"

Ben says to Bob, leaning on the hay net, "Giros are gross. Right, Bob?"

Monty leaps over the middle fence with ease.

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