Part 2- In which Tamari exits the box

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"Hello," Tamari said, and kind of waved at me.

Still shocked, I replied with, "Um... hi." cautiously, I took a few steps toward the box. I offered my hand to help them out of the box which they took.

Once they were out of the box, they asked, "What's... your name?"

"Uh, Ophelia. Watson."

Tamari smiled. "Nice to meet you, Ophelia Watson. I suppose you already know who I am, since you ordered this." they reached into the box and pulled out the plushie I ordered. I'd completely forgotten about it. They handed it to me.


"Is... everything alright?" Tamari asked, concerned.

I jolted out of my daze and snapped back to reality. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I just... wasn't expecting visitors today." 

They seemed to accept this. "Okay then," they wondered, "What shall we do?"

A/N: sorryyy this part isn't very interesting it'll get better

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