- Bitty!Bob x GN!reader -

395 5 1

Today is the day. It is finally Halloween. The night where children come knocking on doors asking for candy, walking around in haunted houses, and scaring the life out of people.

For this Halloween, I'll be dressing up as the so called, "Red Devil". I must admit that the dude has a great choice in fashion. Its so frickin comfortable, its like being suffocated by a warm blanket. This year I will be giving out candy to the trick or treaters.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door.

"TRICK OR TREAT!!!", the children screamed.

"Ooh look at all these amazing costumes", you then proceeded to hand each of the children two pieces of candy.

"THANK YOU!!!", they all said in unison.

"Ok y'all have a nice Halloween."

You were about to close the door, till you saw a tiny figure across the street. It looked like a red blob of some sort. It looked like it was staring at you, but you couldn't tell. You just thought that you were seeing things so you just closed the door and went back to laying down on the couch.

Only after a few seconds later you heard a knock on the door. You got up and grabbed the candy bowl for the treaters. When you opened the door you didn't see anyone.

'Thats weird', you thought.

Probably just some kids that wanted to play a prank on you. I mean it is Halloween.

After double checking if there were kids anywhere, you closed the door and sat back down.

It was starting to get late and trick or treaters were starting to slow. You decided that it was time to start to closing up shop. You put out a sign saying that there was no more candy and turned off your porch light to signal that you were done for the night.

Ok maybe you lied about having no more candy. You still have a huge bowl on the living room table waiting for you.

You didn't even bother getting out of your costume. You just wanted to lay down and watch a movie while eating candy.

When you returned to the living room you noticed that the bowl was a little lower than you remembered. You were a little confused, but you didn't really think about it to much. I mean there's still candy in the bowl.

While you were enjoying the horror movie, you could have sworn you heard little noises behind the couch. Part of you was to scared to even check, but your curiosity got the better of you. You inched slowing to look behind the couch, and what you saw was the most adorable little creature snacking on a piece of candy.

You could have sworn your heart was gonna burst from how adorable this scene was. Its back was facing you and didn't even know you were there. It was almost done eating the piece of candy.

"Hello adorable little creature"

After you said that it turned around so quickly, you heard it's joints pop from the fast movement. Right after that action was performed, you got to see its face. It had horns and big eyes, it wore a big red sweater with black pants. It just looked at you, analysing your features.

"Uh, hello"

Ok now after it said that it was just an awkward staring contest.

"Um would you like to watch a movie with me?"


"You don't hav-"

"Sure why not"

Part of you was surprised that it agreed. After it had agreed, you turned back towards the movie while it climbed its way up onto the couch. For the rest of the night, both of you just sat and ate candy together.

Ok guys I just wanted to say Happy New Year

637 words

Bob Velseb x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now