- Bob x Sick!reader -

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"Darling you need to take your medicine."

"No thank you, it tastes terrible."

"It can't be that bad."

"If I could describe it, it would taste like the definition of trash."

"Come on sweetie you need to take some, it will make you feel better."

"I would rather eat a whole human arm than drink that nasty stuff."

"That can be arranged~"

"Bob I was just joking."

"But I could easily grant that wish."

"Dude, no."

"Ok fine, but you still need to take your medicine."



"Wait really?"

"Unless you beat me in a game of hide n' seek."


"Ok you best start finding a hiding spot. I'll give you ten seconds."


After that was said, you sprinted out of your shared bedroom and went into the kitchen to hide in the pantry.


Its the second best place to hide, the first was inside the washer but last time you tried to hide in there you got stuck and Bob had to rub you up with butter to get you free. That was fun.


The pantry was filled with big things you could hide behind.


It was cramped, but you some how found a way to fit behind the huge bags of flour.


Your nose was clogged up so you had to breathe slightly through your mouth.






"Ready or not here I come."

Soon after hearing him say that, you were as silent as the night. You tried your best on slowing your breathing so he couldn't hear. Key word tried. You couldn't exactly slow it since your nose was still clogged.

After a few seconds you heard Bob enter the kitchen. He was searching each and every cabinet, then he moved on to checking inside the washer and dryer. Soon enough he started to make his way over to the pantry.

At this point you just stopped breathing, he was inching closer and closer untill there was a little noise across the house. Bob was thinking that it was just you, but you knew it was most likely Porky that made something fall over.

'Tons of belly rubs for you later', you thought.

Bob started to make his way to the area that made the strange noise. You were so thankful that he was leaving, but for some reason your nose started to tickle.


'oh no'

Then in a flash of a second, Bob threw open the door and snatched your body from behind the bags of flour.

"Found you!"

"Dang it!"

"Ok open wide."


"Oh come on doll, we made a deal."

"fine", you whispered.

"What was that?", he said with a grin.

"I said fine."

"That's what I thought."

He then handed you the little cup. It had a strong smell of something and it looked super syrupy. That's not a good sign.


You just looked at it.

'Why is it thick?', you questioned.

"Here let me help you."

He then grabbed the cup away from you and poured it into his mouth. You were questioning why he did that but then he grabbed your face and pushed his lips onto yours. You were so surprised you gasped which allowed Bob to push the icky liquid into your mouth. You wanted to split it out but Bob wouldn't allow you to, so you just swallowed it. Bob pulled away feeling accomplished.

"Now that wasn't so bad."

"It still tasted bad."

"But at least yo-"

You then gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Thanks Bob, love ya."

"Hehe, love you too Y/N."

For the rest of the night y'all cuddled on the couch together. You, Bob, and your now blue Porky enjoyed each other's company.

645 words
Ok this wasn't a request but I hope y'all liked it.

Bob Velseb x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now