- Yandere Bob -

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[Before your kidnapped]

• Bob firsts starts out by stalking you.

• He thinks it's just a weird phase but it turns into straight up obsession over time.

• Instead of just kidnapping you, he decides to just be your 'secret admirer'.

• He'll send out little gifts such as flowers, chocolates, candy, heck even jewelry.

• You personally thought that these gifts were heart warming and generous.

• After a month the gifts started to get more........personal.

• Soon the 'secret admirer' started gifting you photos of you around the town.

• This was totally freaking you out.

• After this incident, you just started to ignore their gifts all in general.

[After your kidnapped]

• He'll just tie your arms and legs down so you can't run nor escape.

• He knows your going to be hostile when you wake up so he decided that he is going to put some drugs in your system that will calm you down.

• While you're sleeping, he'll be sneaking to your house to collect all of your belongings and bring it to his house.

• Scratch that 'your home'.

• After his return, he'll start cooking some food for you.

• I mean being kidnapped takes a lot of energy out of ya.

• Within the next thirty minutes, you started to wake up.

• You were startled cause you weren't familiar with your surroundings.

• You were even more startled with the fact that you were tied up on a bed.

• At this point your heart was doing backflips and summersaults when you saw a figure comin closer to ya.

• "Don't be scared doll, I won't hurt ya".

• Happy Valentine's day guys!!!

• Word count: 269

Bob Velseb x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now