- Demon!reader (PART 2) -

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- You and Bob have continued to hang out with each other over the couple of months.

- You guys are practically the bestest of friends.

- You're so comfortable around him, that you even allow him to play with your tail and horns.

- You would allow him to pet your wings, but they're too sensitive.

- In return, Bob let's you play with his knives and he tells you cannibal facts about the human body.

- You're not even phased by them.

- But they're pretty interesting.

- You usually tag along with him when he goes 'hunting'.

- You don't help him with the killing, but you keep watch for him.

- You two are an amazing team together.

- He always offers you some of the victim, but you refuse half of the time.

- Bob doesn't understand why you don't kill people, but respects your actions and decisions.

- Will still try to convince you to kill with him.

- Fails, but you'd consider it.

- Always keeps asking you to live with him in his hideout, but you see no reason why you should.

- After enough pestering and pleading, you finally agree to live with him.

- After that point, your privacy doesn't mean anything to him.

- He clings to you like a baby koala to its mother.

- He continues to follow you around like a lost puppy.

- Needs your attention at all times.

- Will cater to your needs.

Here you go Megam8te
(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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