Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla part 1

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X-Naut Professor 1: Movement direction is changing! Moving at 60 kilometers per hour, heading straight towards us.

Sergeant Guy: He found this place.

Mario: Fortification status?

Grodus: The harpoon's completion will be in 30 minutes. 

X-Naut Professor 2: It'll reach the city in an hour.

Grodus: And that gives us some time. Mario, your orders?

Mario: Prepare MechaGodzilla for battle! And finish that harpoon!

Grodus: With pleasure. Crump, prepare the city and MechaGodzilla for battle!

Crump: Yes, sir!

Mothra and the Houtua watch Godzilla head towards MechaGodzilla City, seeing her rival after a century. The Houtua repeat Godzilla's name as they watch, seeing the Avatar of Destruction again.

Elder: The mountain's roar will burn the shining valley and the snake. And wherefore is the Baby Chicks? May it sing on the Shining Valley. So proclaims Mothra; "It is time for a trial." 

Mothra watches on, as Godzilla goes straight towards the city, ready to kill MechaGodzilla. May the two Godzillas settle who's ruler.....

Godzilla begins to slow down after heading there in 30 kilometers.

Professor 2: Godzilla is slowing down. He's moving 30 kilometers per hour.

Grodus: At this rate, the Harpoon will be ready.

Professor 1: Wait. Godzilla stopped.

Luigi: Why?

Bowser: Guys, you might wanna brace yourselves. I know where this is going....

Godzilla's dorsal plates begin glowing blue, charging up his atomic breath.

Godzilla's dorsal plates begin glowing blue, charging up his atomic breath

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Professor 1: Nuclear concentration rising!

Mario: Grodus!

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