Prologue b the lottery

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Hopes Peak High.
The most elite school for only a few people. At my school, everyone would be desperate to attend the academy. Even me, but a kid like me could never get into Hopes Peak. Or so I thought.

I first heard of Hopes Peak from 8th grade in my reading class and everyone wanted to be a student. I then heard it from the hallways and other classes. Turns out Hopes Peak would be selecting one and only one student from my school to join them at Hopes Peak.
Everyone was a popular kid at my school except me. I had nothing to share nor say. I wasn't really that important. I was basically someone who didn't exist.

But then, i was in the hallway in 8th period as I managed to escape writing class when I noticed that there would be a lottery to determine the winner.
Bruh we've got talented people here and the winner would be selected by chance.
I decided to enroll my name, even though I know for a fact, I wouldn't get in.

The next day, everyone was gathered for an assembly. The new student would be revealed.
Wow. Congrats to whoever's the Cho-


Everyone was stunned and quiet.


I slowly get up and walk down the stairs. I slip on something and land on my own too feet, then slipped all the way to Principal Two was.
The thing that I slipped on, $100 fell right into my hands.

"Is this anyone's $100?" Principal Two asked.
Nobody said a word.

"Well then... I guess we found our Ultimate Lucky Student."

There were applauds.
Well some applauds.
I guess they were all jealous because they were all talking about getting into the jacked place and I would be the only one among them to attend.

So that was how I was now in front of Hopes Peak Academy.

Because of luck.

I hear there are some students here like
The Ultimate Leader, The ultimate Golfer and the Ultimate Ecologist.

And I was Rocky Quartzite SHSL Ultimate Lucky Student

Anyways, I open the door and head into Hopes Peak.
It was 7am and the orientation would start at 8.
I had an hour to wait...


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