Of course

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"Hey cutie."

"No Matt," I said as he grabbed my waist.

But it felt good why am I always fighting it it just feels so good when his hands are on me. He can be such an ass but OMG!

"Babe it's okay" Matt said with his stupid cocky grin.

"Your right," I smirked and pulled him closer to me.

This caught him off guard but as soon as he knew that I meant it he held onto me like he never wanted to let go.

I spun out off his reach and went to class giving him a "ha come and get me" look and went into algebra.

Arlena looked at me and at the same time we both said.....


See I knew Arlena would know because she is my best friend and can practically read my mind.

"What did he do now!?!" She said rolling her eyes as if she knew how stupid I was thinking about being.

"Well..... I think I kinda like him," I got ready for her to slap me.

Which of course happened because I just said that I liked the cute but biggest duchebag in the whole fucking school. The biggest fucking player, like how could I like a guy who only talked to me because he thought I was easy. Not to mention the fact that he's told me on more then one occasion that he liked to look at my tits.

"Your so fucking stupid! How in the world could you ever think that!?! Huh. What happened to the fact that we hate him."

"No I don't like like him but dude he is really fun so why not just enjoy it instead of fighting it?"

We both agreed and had a talk with him in LA the next day.

"So?" Matt said very confused as to why Arlena and I wanted him to come over.

I was wearing a blue v-neck shirt with dark wash skinny jeans that hung low so you could see the line of my pink lace undies.

Arlena was wearing grey hello kitty sweats and her cheering sweatshirt.

Lucas also came with Matt. Luke sat in one chair and Arlena sat in the other one across him him. Matt and I sat on the little work tables in between them. Arlena had her legs across my lap.

Luke: "who would you rather date me or Matt?"

Me: we'll your more dating material but Matts a good time. (Giving Matt a wink)

Arlena: I'd rather date Matt.

We all look at her. "What Luke is a flirt!" She's says like its a known fact.

Luke: no I'm not! (Clearly upset)

Arlena: ya you are that's all you ever do.

As these two are bickering matts leans in and whispers in my ear "so I'm a good time babe? How do you know?"

"Well I don't know yet!" I said with my best flirty smirk.

"Just wait till after school ill show you"

He sitts back and "gets back to work" As Matt slides his hand behind me, he runs his hand along the lace trim of my undies. I jump from how good it feels, totally forgetting about arlenas legs on my lap.

"Dude you okay?"

With Matts hand still on my lower back. "Yeah sorry I just had a shiver." I said starting to blush. Yes I hated Matt but god this felt good!

And she gets all the guysWhere stories live. Discover now