Pre Story Things

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Thank you so much for clicking on this book. If you knew my previous Jonathan Toews Fanfiction My Captain is Amazing, it's been a hot minute since I have written a story. So much so that it's been 7 years and account name change as well.

I started this book during those days, but life got in the way. Yet, I've always wanted to come back to this story that I scrap of, pull it together and make a story that you will hopefully love. 

Yet one thing I love more than stories is music. 

For this story, by the point of view, I will have a song there so it will look something like 

Melissa/Jonathan P.O.V. | Song by artist

These songs are to help with the vibe of each chapter, however listening to them does not ruin the story. It is an added bonus as I am one who loves listening to music while reading and writing and use certain songs as vibes.

However, if there is a song mentioned in the middle of the story, that song is a part of their world and that song will be no later released then the time in the world which is set in 2013.

If you do want to listen to the vibe on Spotify the playlist is called The Repair Tech by Brex and the cover art is the same as the cover of the story. This will have any song mentioned in this book and will be updated as more chapters are released.
Spotify URL:

Enjoy the first four chapters of The Repair Tech (A Jonathan Toews Fanfiction). New chapters will be released every Tuesday and Thursday and music added to those playlists for the chapters.

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