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(Back to lighter blue sonic! taking a break from dark blue, cause i was writing lighter blues part after i wrote the rest of chapter 2 and i realised that hey maybe put it here lol)
[REALITY 1, Backtracking to the start of Ch2]
(Dr Robotnik Carefully moves an electrified Prison directly under where the portal will open, so Sonic2 can easily slip inside without much interference. And like clockwork, the portal opens and Sonic's2 limp body slips into the prison with a little bonk on his head, oh well. Now Robotnik can get to work. Robotnik straps Sonic up with wires to monitor him. While Robotnik is setting up the monitor, Sonic wakes up.)
"Owwwwwww" Sonic winces from the head pain, not yet opening his eyes. Robotnik doesnt turn to look at Sonic, hes to busy looking at past receipts. Sonic finally opens his eyes, "Where am i?" he looks around from his prison. "Eggman??" Robotnik looks at Sonic, and clasps his hands together. "Well well well! Sonic T. Hedgehog. Its funny because im not Eggman, im Dr Robotnik!" Sonic looks even more confused "But... Eggman *is* Dr Robotnik... Anyways, Why am i here? Did you capture any of my other friends? And can you turn on a heater? Its really cold." Robotnik walks around Sonic's Prison. "Well, you see, I created a Portal machine to take my Blue, this realities Sonic, to your dimension! To study your friends so we can defeat this reality's Team... Sonic was it?" Sonic tries to approach Robotnik, before he hits the clear window wall of his prison. "Ow- I see your just as evil as my Eggman... So why'd you have me in here? And what do you mean 'Your Blue'? I have many questions, Eggface!" Robotnik taps the outside of Sonic's prison mockingly, "I have you here so i can run tests on you, this *is* the first time ive ever studied someone who is from a different dimension." Sonic Places his now really rugged glove... He swears it wasnt like that before he got here.. on the window and Slides it down while slouching, creating a soft squeek sound. "What about 'Your Blue'? And What tests? What about the Soni-" Robotnik cuts Sonic off "I'll show you the tests in a second, and you talk too much." Sonic is about to open his mouth to retort but realises that if he does hes just proving Robotnik right. Robotnik returns back to his computers, setting up the tests. Sonic taps his... metal tipped shoes... idly, waiting for Robotnik to finish up. Sonic breaks "Why am i wearing these? My- These? These gloves are in terrible shape and these shoes... Well there kinda cool but they aren't really my style, and they aren't good for running! I dont know if you know this but- AGH-" Sonic gets shocked mid-brag, Robotnik smugly walks back to the Prison. "I'm Glad it works, Did it hurt?" Sonic snaps "Yeah! Ow.. man.. Why'd you do that?" Robotnik smiles "To make you shut up. Now the start of the real test." Sonic's once bright face has changed into a face of genuine worry and concern after realising that Robotnik wasn't kidding. "Id say something funny here but im genuinely scared! Gotta go fast..?."
Robotnik's Smile turns twisted as he flips a lever on his computer, Sonic watches in utter horror for a couple of seconds until- *Ka-Chick* Metal cuffs lock around Sonic's wrists and ankles "Woah-" Magnets rase Sonic into the middle of the prison, leaving him suspended. "Now what?" Robotnik presses a button, "You'll See." Sonic's face goes from fear to disappointment. Suddenly a sharp needle pierces Sonic from the metal cuffs "Oww.... ughhh.." The needles start injecting liquid melatonin and the lights shut off, Sonic slowly drifts off to sleep, and the melatonin stops injecting, and start taking Sonic's Energy.

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