Going out tonight, feeling all right.

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It was a simple contract. Some rich, morally corrupt person wanted this poor son of a bitch dead. That's how these things always worked, and this time was no different. Miss Pauling didn't ask any questions, she never did. You didn't ask any questions either when she offered the contract, besides the usual 'Who's the target?' and 'When do we need this done?'. It was an unspoken thing between you two.

It was a bit chilly tonight, full moon hanging lazily in the sky as the crisp air nipped at your body. You could feel the cold pricking at your toes and fingers despite your best efforts to keep warm. You had your favorite windbreaker on, snuggling up in the passenger seat of the R.E.D. Bread Van. Sniper was in the driver's seat next to you, his eyes fully on the road as he fiddled with the knobs on the radio.

"Do they have a classic rock station?" You asked, raising your voice slightly louder than you intended. You blushed, a bit embarrassed.

"You listen to classic rock?" Mick's eyes flickered towards you before snapping back to the road. The light from the car dashboard lit up the driver's cabin in a comfortable orange glow, and you couldn't help but notice how relaxed Mick looked right now.

He was dressed more casually then he normally would be, in a comfortable looking cream button up shirt and a brown fuzzy jacket. It looked old and well worn, but still very cozy. His signature slouched hat and sunglasses were still proudly worn, of course. Thinking back, you couldn't remember ever seeing him without his hat and glasses.

"I'm not in the mood for it, but occasionally." You say dismissively, shivering a bit as you rubbed your hands against your arms in an attempt to warm them. "It's whatever. You look nice by the way." You finally gave in and leaned forward, gently pushing Sniper's hand away from the radio knobs to adjust it yourself.

"Why'd ya ask then?" He gives you a smirk. No, it wasn't just you, he did seem a bit more at ease tonight. "And thanks, ya don't look too bad yourself."

"I know. Eyes on the road." You passively joked. He huffed, both hands back on the wheel.

You smiled in triumph as the radio finally picked up a clear enough station. It sounded like some type of new age hippie music. Though it really didn't click with you that much, it didn't bother you either. And so with that you leaned back in your seat, comfortably folding your arms in front of your chest as you snuggled in once more. Maybe you could doze off and catch a few minutes of sleep before you get to the pub.

You jumped as a hand reached to tap your shoulder, making an audible yelp leap from your mouth. You whipped around wide eyed- Who did that, and how dare they?

"Oh hell, sorry darlin'!" Engineer called, his voice apologetic as he giggled. You turned around and squinted through the slim entryway into the back of the bread van. It was dark, and even though you're squinting you can't see much. Dell seemed to notice and quickly positioned himself in the doorway, gripping the frame. Thankfully it was enough to see him in the low orange glow of the dashboard, sharp shadows accentuating his wrinkles as everything but his face and chest was bathed in darkness. Surprisingly he didn't have his goggles with him this time, his baby blue eyes peering at yours through the darkness. It was a bit of a shock, but you didn't let that show. At least you hope you didn't.

"No worries Dell." You said after a brief pause, rubbing your hands together in a poor attempt to create some heat. "What's wrong?"

"What did you say we had to do for that contract again?" He asks sheepishly. "I wasn't there with you fellas when the little lady dropped off the papers."

"Oh that's fine Dell," You waved your hand absently, "It's a really basic mission this time, nothing too out of the ordinary. Sorry Spy, no spicy espionage."

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