"Wanna make some noise."

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The pub had a nice familiar feel to it, all things considered. Despite the rowdy drunken atmosphere, the pub was very well kept. There were neon lights pulsing slowly throughout the pub, changing from pale pinks to soft oranges to deep purples. They weren't too extreme for your eyes and it made for a very nice vibe. You could very much picture yourself hanging out with your friends here, or maybe even with Paulie. You briefly wondered what would happen to the place when you "decommissioned" the owner. It would be a shame if the place was torn down, or changed severely. Who would own the place? A question you didn't linger on for too long, as all your concerned about was how absolutely *warm* the building was.

You practically melted as you shucked off your jacket and tied it around your waist. You allowed yourself a brief moment to simply exist, eyes closed and letting out a sigh of relief as you felt the sweet heat gently seep into your bones. Your eyes opened lazily, scanning over the crowd. There were a fair amount of people in the pub, dancing by the DJ booth, getting wasted at the bar, etc. Your trained eyes quickly spotted a couple of people sprinkled throughout the crowd who were definitely guards undercover. It was obvious with the way they moved, the way they stood.

Your head turned as you heard Dell shuffle up beside you, taking off his thick fuzzy jacket like you had. "Whew! Chilly out there! You feelin' better kiddo?" He laughed beside you. You turned to face him, a warm smile stretched across your face.

"I feel better, yeah." You smiled as you waved to Sniper, already on his way over to the nearest bar. He returns the wave with a soft smile of his own. You furrowed your brow as you noticed someone missing. "Now where is Spy?"

Engineer gave a nonchalant shrug as he pointed towards the door. "Throwin' a hissy fit. He doesn't want to get his suit jacket dirty, so he's taking it off in the van."

"Isn't the van already dirty?" You asked. Dell just shrugged again and walked over to join Mick, giving you a friendly pat on the shoulder as he left. You watched as the two sat down and began chatting. That's all well and good, but everybody needs to be here. You stayed glued to your spot, eyes transfixed on the entryway. You only had to wait a couple more seconds or so before a man entered the door with such nonchalant grace it made you mentally double take.

It took you a stupid amount of time before you realized that the man standing casually in the doorway was Spy. The same dress pants and expensive Rolex he always loved to wear, the same height and build, all with the same swagger he always had. It was obviously him.

The only major difference was his mask was gone.

Nothing Earth shattering of course. You've seen him without his mask before, but it was still a shock. Only rarely had you ever seen his face bare. Hell, he's gone without his mask within the walls of the base before, but those instances were few and far between, not nearly enough to memorize the little features and details of his elegant face.

And you weren't about to start memorizing them now. You averted your eyes for a brief second, not wanting to be caught staring. It would be impolite after all.

His eyes wandered around for a bit before meeting yours, and a happy smile pulls its way onto his face. You return the smile and waved your arm to him, beckoning him to join you. He strolled over towards you with all the grace in the world, the bastard.

"Took your sweet time." You responded as he stopped in front of you. He merely chuckled, his figure straight as he continued to scan the room.

"Apologies ami, I had to take care of something." He says with a disinterested tone. A pleasant scent filled your nostrils as he moved closer to you. Amber, leather, spices and woods. He must have applied some cologne while he was in the van, because you didn't remember smelling this before. It smelled nice.

"Damn! I feel like a woman! (Tf2 Spy x reader)"Where stories live. Discover now