"Feel the way I feel."

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Oh it was much colder. It was MUCH colder than it was earlier that night. You shivered, cussing and cursing at whatever God that allowed this to happen. Assuming that god would be listening.

"Fucking hate the cold- I hate the cold, it- it's so cold, I fucking hate the- what the- I hate the cold." You rambled to yourself, rocking back and forth in your seat in the back of the bread Van. Maybe you were simply overly temperature sensitive tonight, or maybe you were just very tired. Regardless, you just wanted OUT of the cold.

You weren't the only one battling the chill, both Spy and Sniper had basically attached themselves to your sides, shivering and cussing along with you.

"Bloody hell, it's not supposed to get this cold!" Sniper said, his arm linked with your left one, him rubbing his hands together feverishly. "I know it gets cold in the desert at night, but damn!"

"It's certainly an anomaly, isn't it?" Spy huffed on your right, his arm linked with your other, trying to bury himself within his own coat. Admittedly they both looked pretty funny, and you would've thought that too if you weren't busy pissing yourself with how cold it was. You probably looked just as stupid.

True to his word, Engineer took the driver's seat this time, letting out his own little line of cusses as he critiqued the quality of the Red Bread van. You could hear him muttering to himself about how awful the heater was, how something was wrong with the AC dial, and a couple of other things that you didn't catch. You prayed that Engineer would take some time off from tinkering with his sentries and fix the damn van when you got back. Which seemed impossible now, seeing as how you were certain everyone wanted nothing more than to hop into bed and sleep for the next 50 years.

Your toes and fingers felt numb, and flexing them felt strange. You passively wondered what would happen if you somehow got frostbite. Now it wasn't nearly THAT cold of course, but you can't stop the little thoughts that pop into your head now and again. You shivered, thinking nothing of it as you pulled both men at your sides closer, wanting nothing more than to just get warm. Neither seem too bothered, in fact they welcomed your warmth.

"When we get back to base, I'm taking a hot shower, and I AIN'T coming out until all the water is gone." You heard Sniper mutter. It earned an offended tisk from the Frenchman on your right.

"You do that and I will fillet you like a fat salmon, you horizontally challenged tire iron." He spat wickedly, taking even you off guard.

"Bloody hell, calm down mate!" Sniper says in disbelief, flinching back slightly. "Okay, I won't use all the hot water!"

"Keeping in mind that there's six other people at the base, the hot water is probably all gone by now." You say with a shivering voice, blowing on your hands attempting to warm them.

"Oh Mon Dieu, you're right." Spy almost wailed, burying his face in your shoulder. "Scout takes stupidly long showers, he'll use up all zhe hot water, tout comme sa mère, bon SANG!"

"When I get back, I'm fixing this hunk of junk." Dell called from the driver's seat, sounding just as tired as the three of you. "This is getting ridiculous. I mean LOOK at these knobs, they're all loose."

"Sounds great." You called, no longer paying attention. You had started bouncing in your seat by now. "Anyone wanna cuddle pile in front of the living room fireplace when we get back?" You deadpanned, cutting off your own sentence with a clipped laugh. You felt the two men on either side of you jolt, huddling closer to you.



"God damn, I didn't expect you to say yes, I was joking!" You stuttered in disbelief. The two men groaned.

"Damn! I feel like a woman! (Tf2 Spy x reader)"Where stories live. Discover now