chapter 11- inseperable

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it had been a week...

the two wouldn't separate, always together. joão would come to check on sofia every day without fail. sometimes, she'd get the odd text from rodri asking if she's alright. before she goes back to work, sofia wants to surprise joão.

the door knocks. joão.

he comes into the door saying nothing, but hugs her. strange.

"are you okay?" she asks.

"no. rodri. again." he replies.

"what is it?" sofia asks.

"he fucking hates it. he hates me. i wish we were still friends. i have you thouh that's the only thing what matters." joão replies.

sofia nods and smiles. in her mind, she knew rodri has said something else.

"anyways, can i talk to you?" joão asks.

"yes, of course." sofia replies.

"well, i don't know how to put this sofia... well, i like you... more than a friend." he says. "so i was going to ask... can we be together? it's okay if you say no or it doesn't work out." joão says.

"the feeling is mutual joão." she replies.

they both lean in for a kiss.


double update :D

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