forth of july

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the fourth of july, dad's favorite holiday. he would always go all out with fireworks with the boys. it was a tradition.

every year, there's a big party with lots and lots of food.

it's one of the best days ever. well, it used to be. not anymore. for me, it's another day of missing dad.

i smile at myself in the mirror. i put on a checkered blue dress and my hairs in a half up half down.

good enough.

i walked down the stairs, finding everyone in the kitchen. "mornin'" i sang as i went to the cabinet and grabbed some cereal. jeremiah's arms slithered around my waist, making me blush hard.

"jere, they'll see." i whispered, grabbing a bowl.

"like i care." he kissed my cheek which made me laugh and he quickly walked back over to his mom.

"that reminds me. your dad isn't coming." susannah informed the two boys who had two totally different reactions.

"wait, dad isn't coming?" jeremiah sadly said.

"dads not coming?" conrad happily said.


"but i got some crazy fireworks this year." jeremiah frowned. i joined his side with my cereal and began eating.

"we'll send a video." susannah shrugged, not really caring.

"it's not the same." jere frowned making me frown.

"lorelai, is your mother still in hawaii?" susannah asked me, curiously.

shit. i haven't even texted mom in weeks. i have no idea where she is and if she's still with chris.

"i think." i shrugged, handing my spoon to jeremiah who ate a huge spoonful of cereal, "i haven't talked to her."


"belly, go fix that room for your dad and victoria now." laurel ordered which made belly roll her eyes.

"who's victoria?" i asked.

"my dads new girlfriend." belly said to me, rolling her eyes again. i laughed as she left the kitchen to go and fix the room.

"stop eating all my cereal." i whispered to jeremiah, snatching the spoon out of his hand, "no come on, rory. give it back." i waved the spoon around as he tried grabbing it. the others looked at us weird.

the sound of knocking at the door made us stop.

"i'll get it!" jeremiah and i yelled at the same time.

the two of us got up, pushing each other and YES i got to the door first. i gave him the loser sign and he rolled his eyes. i opened the door and my face fell.

in front of me stood mom along with chris.

"mom?" my voice cracked, stepping back as the two walked in.

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