Brian's P.O.V

"Oh god," Roger uttered under his breath.

"I'll go get the Queen" I turned on my heels and was about to walk away when I heard.

"I'm coming with you Bri" John spoke from behind me.

I turned to him and said. " Alright come on let's go".

And so with that, the two of us left Roger alone with Freddie and Mary. We ran down the hall and halted in front of the Queen's office
before John knocked and waited until we heard.

" Come in".

So I opened the door to see the Queen sitting at her desk.

" Sorry to disturb you your Majesty but we have a major problem".

" Alright, What's the matter boys?".

" You have to see this for yourself".

"Oh, I'm coming to lead the way".

And so we did just that, once we got to the hallway Roger was trying to break the ice before turning to us and saying.

" Thank god you're here the black queen's minions just left but, I have no luck on getting these two out of the blocks of ice".

"Step aside Roger I'll break the ice, but I appreciate you trying. Now I need two of you to step near them when they fall".

So Roger and John did just that before the white queen broke the ice by using her powers.

" Alright I got you, Fred, Can you give me a hand over here Bri?".

"Sure thing Rog," I said before I walked over.

So I went over and assisted Roger as he struggled to hold Freddie up.

" Aright now that they're out of the ice I say they must rest for the day".

"Yes, my Queen," The three of us said in unison.

So with that Roger and I took Freddie back to our dorm suite where we placed him in his bed in the room that he shared with John.

" Let's cover him with more blankets and see if he comes to within a few minutes".

" Good idea Brian".

So we did just that. Not long after that Freddie began to come to as John entered the room.

" Hey guys I'm back, How's Freddie?".

" He's coming around".

At that moment we heard.

"D-Darling, What's going on?" Freddie spoke through shivered breaths.

" Hey mate you're alright".

" Mary. What happened, Is she alright?".

" Take it easy she's fine we just had a run-in with Paul and the rest of the black queen minions".

" Yes but it turns out they are not after me at all they are after you apparently. You are the one that they want, they want your voice, not mine".


At that moment we heard a knock at the door......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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