saying the L word

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belly and i stand in the deb room, looking like two lost puppies. today was the dance rehearsal for the ball and both belly and i didn't have dates.

"you didn't ask cam yet?" i asked her, looking around at all the other girls who had dates.

"i've been meaning to..." she trailed off.

"is someone else holding you back?"

"conrad and i almost kissed last night." she said, trying her hardest to hold back her smile.

my mouth dropped, "oh my god belly! holy shit!"

"language miss gilmore!" paige, the deb leader, yelled at me.

"i don't know, rory. he told me i don't know the affect i have on people." my friend admitted to me, shyly.

"belly, oh my god that's amazing. so, is cam out of the picture?" cant forget about cam cameron.

im not going to lie; that boy is adorable.

"i might end it later on today. he's a great guy but he's just not conrad." she sighed which i understood.

in her eyes, no man will ever be like conrad.

same with me with jeremiah.

fuck! tyler!

i haven't talked to him since our date.
i need to break it off.

"this is ms. covington. she came all the way from newton to teach you all today." paige earned everyones attention as she spoke. but i wasn't listening.

i was more worried about who i was taking to the ball with me as my date. jeremiah made it clear that he did not want to go again which upset me. i thought he'd change his mind.

there's tyler but i can't ask him to the ball while being in a relationship with jere, that's messed up.

i'll figure it out.

"grab your partners." ms. covington ordered.

belly and i looked around, hopelessly. she held out her hand for me to grab and i did with a smile. the two of us began dancing, "who are you thinking of asking to the ball?" she asked me, "any boy in mind?"

"well, i was thinking of asking-"

"mind if i have this dance?" jeremiah appeared next to us, smiling widely at me causing me to blush.

belly weirdly looked at our little interaction but stepped away, now alone. "jere, belly doesn't have a partner now."

"i can be her partner." nicole stepped in.

"jeremiah fisher, you're going to get me and yourself in trouble." i said with a smile, gesturing toward his lifeguard uniform which was completely see through.

"lorelai gilmore, i don't care." he smirked, dancing away with me.

"jere i cant get in trouble."

"steven." jeremiah called and steven threw him his jacket and he quickly put it on, "better?"

"way better."

"you look great. i love this dress," he spun me around, "alexa, play 'so pretty'."

the music changed and jeremiah began dancing, making me laugh. soon, everyone else in the room was dancing. it felt like a highschool party.

"what is going on?!" paige yelled, walking back into the room, seeing everyone dancing, "alexa stop!"

"jeremiah fisher, why aren't you at the pool?" she scolded him.

"we had a code brown. we lost the key to the shack." jeremiah flashed her his infamous smirk, making all of us laugh.

paige pulled out her collection of keys and handed jeremiah the correct one.

the boy grabbed them and walked away. he turned around, "see you later?" i sent him a nod and watched him disappear.

he is something.


i laid on my bed, scrolling through tyler and i's texts. i feel bad. he was such a nice boy and i haven't even spoken to him since our date.

me: hey, can we meet and chat? i need to tell you something.

i clicked send and placed down my phone. not even a second later, he responded.

tyler: sure. i'll meet you at your house.

me: roger that.

here we go.
tell him the truth.

i grabbed a sweatshirt from my closet and headed outside to wait for him. 5 minutes passed and he appeared. he smiled at me, "hey, long time no see."

"yeah." i shoved my phone into my pocket.

"everything alright?" he asked, noticing my mood change.

"tyler, we can't hang out anymore."

his face dropped, "what why? did i do something?"

"no, no." i shook my head, "it's just. i'm in a relationship now with jeremiah fisher. im sorry."

the boy nodded, looking down at the sandy driveway, "nope it's cool. you two deserve each other. i'll see you around lorelai."

he walked away, "no tyler come back." i begged. that wasn't the way i wanted to end things.

"good night."

i walked back inside, finding jeremiah sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream. with a sigh, i sat down next to him, grabbing his spoon, "where were you?"

"just outside. i was cleaning my board." i answered.

"want to surf tomorrow?"

i turned to him and smiled, "sure."

he placed down the bowl of ice cream and wrapped his arms around me, "cold?"


he practically pulled me ontop of his lap and i laid my head on his chest, "can i tell you something?" i asked, lifting my head up.

"anything." he smiled.

should i say it now? is it the right time?

"i love you."

all he did was smile and pull me into a kiss, "i love you more."

oh my god, jeremiah fisher loves me.

and the next thing i knew, we were in his bedroom, doing it.

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