Chapter one

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Makaela's POV:

"Hey Cait! Hey tess!"

"Hey Makaela!" Caitlin and Tessa said in unison. They giggled.

Caitlin earlier found out thy her older brother was Louis. Tessa's brother was Niall. My older brother is Harry Styles. No wonder I'm a flirt. Hey, now I know where I get my dimples! I actually have real feelings for Louis despite my flirtynees.

The day I found out One Direction existed, I totally flipped out. I could see the cutest, and oldest, member of the band trying to hide in the corner. I laughed! Loving the look on his face and thinking that he could never fall in love with a nerdy girl like me.

Well my dreams came true. I met One Direction! Including Louis Tomlinson!

"Makaela! Come here! I have to ask you something!"

"UGHHH Louis! You know the rule! No calling me Makaela! My name is Mak! I'm very self conscious and you know that!"

"Awe love, please don't be mad at me!"

"Louis stop being nice to me! I'm a nerd! You sir, are a worldwide sensation! I will never live up yo the standards you and the boys have for me!"

"Look Maka- I mean Mak, I love you!

Don't short yourself out!" Louis said, crying. The hurt in his eyes told me I over reacted. I need to stop being such a shy, nervous girl! "Makaela have you heard yourself sing? You're beautiful! Why can't you see that in every thing I say? I love you and need you here with me!" He then pulled me closer and kissed me. His warm mouth against mine gave me the reassurance I needed to get through the rest of the day.

Caitlin came in and told me that Harry needed me. So, I walked out of my bedroom and blew a kiss to Louis. He winked. Man, that dude can put me in a trance if he wanted to!

"Louis, you don't kiss the new girl!" Caitlin yelled.

"Oh! You did not just say that! I love her!"

"You don't know her," she said crying,"I don't want your heart broken!"

"Caitlin I know what in doing! Why can't you have faith in me?" Louis questioned.

"Like you had faith in me and Niall?" Caitlin said with just a hint of sarcasm.

"Fine! Do whatever you want! Tell Mak she suggest we not be together! I'm sure she will absolutely HATE the idea!"

A few minutes passed as Caitlin planned on how to get me to tell Louis I don't love him. Finally she came in my room.

I saw Cait come in so I put my book down.

"Makaela, I don't think you should date my brother." That hit me. It hit me HARD! Then, I felt the pain and hurt.

"Why not?" I was seriously getting ready to cry. This is the first guy I really liked who really liked me back.

"It's kinda hard to explain! It'll take a while for me to decide how to word it."

"Well," I said. I had to have an attitude for her to listen, "I have lots of time since I don't have a you know. . . BOYFRIEND!"

A long couple hours pass as Makaela asks questions and Caitlin answers them. I finally made my decision.

"Okay Caitlin. I won't date Louis."

I tumbled in his room. Eyes filled with tears. I wipe them away so he can't see just how painful this is and use my own pain against me.

"Mak, love, what's wrong?"

"Louis this is very hard to say but I- I don't love you." Tears started filling again but I managed to blink them away. "Louis please understand!" I said. "Please talk to me!" I started to cry. "Please!"

"Mak, how could you do this to me? I thought you loved me!" We were both crying now and it was getting hard to breath. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Luckily Tessa over heard everything and could hick a lock with one of my credit cards.

"Makaela, what did you do to him?" Then she saw me crying.

"Caitlin Edwards get your butt in here now!"

"What do you want?"

"Why are Mak and Louis crying?"

"I told them they couldn't date each other so their hearts wouldn't get broken." She was satisfied with her 'work'.

"Well, that makes absolutely no sense! So go and let them be happy!"

"But Tessa it's so awkward!"

"I'm letting you date Niall."

"Okay fine."

Caitlin explained everything to Louis. I was in my room depressed and upset. At the moment I was listening and singing so I didn't notice him. When he sat on my bed with a little, sly smile.

"You aren't still mad at me?"

"Of course I'm not mad. Those weren't your word, they were some one else's!" I wasn't able to reply because by then Louis wrapped his armed around my waist. Our if instinct, I threw my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He stood up and deepened our already deep kiss. Then Harry walked in.

"Why does everyone start kissing when I'm out buying doughnuts?"

It was a good thing he came in. We almost went to far.


Sorry if you don't get it quite yet. This is a story that I had already written in a notebook with my friends. I'm revising it so it is hopefully a little more interesting.

Okay my lovely readers! Vote, comment, follow me, anything!

Tell your friends and others about this. I know that the boys eye colors are wrong but I did that on purpose!

-Makaela love everybody!

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