Episode 4 "Starting line!"

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Lets goo!!

i hope you all enjoy this next episode!!

Episode 4 "Starting line!"


Rimuru was at the entrance walking through the many concrete arks the hung over the path to the front of the school, Whilst a certain green haired boy walked just a few feet in-front of him. 

Of course rimuru still chose to wear his mask, not only for the aura reduction (Even though Ciel can do it without a physical catalyst) but also just for the memories that the mask carried, even though this was just a copy without the crack the had gone vertically through the mask that while back. 

It felt like carrying a piece of Tempest around with him.

He sighed and kept walking but the boy in-front of him suddenly started to fall.

'Did he really just trip?'

< Izuku Midoriya's nerves are at an all time high >

'So his name is Izuku huh?'

< I have told you this before >

A girl caught izuku at the last moment and they exchanged words. (well izuku didnt say much he just smiled or whatever) but Rimuru understood that it must be hard for the boy to talk to girls.


Walking into the building everybody when to this lecture hall where a man with tall yellow hair yelled loudly about how the process worked.

"For all you examinee listeners tuning in, Welcome to my show today!" He yelled as the screen behind him light up with the UA symbol.

"Everybody say 'HEY'" He yelled out stretching his arms to the audience.




"What a refined response" he said with a quick recovery "Then ill quickly present to you the rundown of the exam!" He called out "ARE YOU READY?!"

Rimuru leaned forward trying to focus as Izuku muttered very loudly next to me, and the person  to my left with dark blue hair and glasses watched intently.

Luckily he had gotten the people at the front desk to believe that his mask was a part of his Quirk but it didnt help with tuning out Izuku's thoughtless muttering.

Though he was quickly shut down by that blond boy telling him to shut it.

A sigh of relief 

"As it says in the Application requirements, You listeners will be conducting Ten-Minute mock urban battles after this!"  he called out facing the audience of people.

<Why does he keep calling everybody including Master 'Listeners'?>

'He must be used to doing talk shows or something.'

Ciel seemed to accept this very quickly.

 "You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, Kaayyyyyyy,"

Silence again, as everybody looked down at their cards to check if they or their friends where in the same specified center of what ever.

I heard a scoff from the blond prior called Katchan "In other words you're not aloud to work with your friends, huh?" the boy said in his gruff constantly annoyed voice. If somebody could have resting B#$^* face i didnt think you could also have resting B#$&% voice.

Anyways he shook his head. The card he had read [Exam ticket, Examinee No.: ######l, Test location: Battle center B]

< Izuku has the same location as you master >


Present Mic continued to talk about the 3 diffrent types of enemies that we will come across in the arena.

"May i ask a question?" The dark haired boy nest to me called out very loudly. Present mic nodded. "On the printout it says there are Four different  types of villains! If this is a mistake it is a very foolish one that UA should be in embarrassed  by!" He yells out very loudly at a spotlight aims at him putting him as the Center of attention. "In addition!" he points his finger straight at Rimuru "Your mask is rather ominous, you should take it off if you dont what to look like a villain!"

Rimuru was shocked by the sudden confrontation but accepted it quickly choosing not to make a fuss.

"The first half you where right! the fourth type is worth zero points, That guys an obstacle so to say, its not impossible to defeat, but its not worth attacking it anyways! we use that to judge you problem solving so be on the lookout!" Present Mic calls out loudly. "Thats all from me!"


Just about 20-30 of us stood infront of the gate to the battle center B.

I stretched  my muscles and watched that Izuku guy.

"i-its time to do this!" The boy called meekly clenching his hands.

'Right! its about time we get all of this done!' Rimuru thought with a wide smile was no one could see as the doors began to open.


Hah, next chapter L

- Spin

Did you notice that the words are almost completely the same as from the show? thats because im watching it as i write to get everything right. (eheheheheh rhyme)

bye till next time that could either be tomorrow or a few minutes from now.

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