Chapter 17 - Festivals Delight

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Chapter 17 — Festivals Delight


The morning air is abuzz with excitement for the festival held that day. People have been preparing for this event for days now, and the chatter of the various events and stalls is keeping everyone happy. Shania finds herself joining in on the excitement of it all, the Ash'n'Fire opening up a small stall of their own inside castle grounds with Mare and a few helping hands, displaying items the crew have worked on tirelessly just for this event.

"Welcome friends, come on over! We have all kinds of goods!"

"Would you like some sweets?"

"Hurry Mama!—"

"Whoops, watch where you're going, little one."

Shania can't help the smile that stretches across her face at the sounds of people and the smell of baked goods wafting past. She feels so relaxed, that she almost forgets what has been worrying her the past months. Almost.

Across the way performers raise themselves high on stilts, their painted faces gleaming. Shania walks over excitedly, watching as they begin performing. She's so distracted that she doesn't notice Shirayuki standing beside her, hood raised, until her own name spills from the girl's mouth.


The woman turns with a start, a laugh falling from her lips a moment later. "Hi Shira, good to see you," she greets.

"Are you here for the festival?" Shirayuki asks.

"Partly, yes. I have a stall here as well, but we have other people to man it right now."

The crowd around them erupts with applause as the performance concludes. A short but sweet show.

"If you're not busy, do you want to explore the festival with us?" The redhead asks.


"Alright. Let's meet up with the others."

Shirayuki leads Shania to a small group of people observing a bustling sweets stall. Kiki is the first to notice the two's arrival, nudging Mitsuhine and Zen respectively to look in their direction as well. Smiles grace each face and Shania greets them all warmly.

"It's been some time since we saw you at the castle grounds," Zen states.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Shania replies. "I've had Owen take over that job for me the past week or two. Been busy making stuff for our stall. I couldn't get the free time."

"Huh? Where did Obi go?" Shirayuki asks, looking around sceptically.

Shania perks up at the name.

"I don't know," Zen replies, though he chances a glance over to the open training grounds, where a fight is about to start. The group make their way over, watching as Obi steps into the ring with an opponent who looks equally matched in frame, but poorly matched in skill. The round lasts all but a minute, Obi taking the man down with a kick to his side, knocking him to the ground. The crowd holds their breath for a moment, waiting for the man to get up. When he doesn't, a gentleman walks over.

"End match," the coordinator calls, grabbing Obi's arm and raising it high. "And the winner is, Nanaki!"

The crowd erupts with cheers and a large pouch of coins is presented to the man as a reward. Obi glances up to where his companions stand watching and runs over with a grin.

"Did you see me win the match, Master?"

"You're not supposed to disappear like that," Zen scalds. "and who is this Nanaki?"

"It's cool to use a fake name in these situations."

"Cool? I dunno about cool," Mitsukide comments. "But I am curious where you picked up those fighting skills, Obi."

"Oh yeah?" Obi replies. "We should spar one of these days, Mitsuhide."

"Ah! Fine by me!"

Shania lets out a chuckle at the banter, which quickly catches Obi's attention. He glances her way, his amber stare hiding whatever he is thinking. He offers a small smile before he turns away, walking towards the exit.

"Time to spend my prize money," he exclaims. "Drinks for everyone!"

Shania watches as he, accompanied by Kiki and Mitsuhide, walks away. She sighs, eyes glazing over for a moment. She turns to Zen, who was admiring Shirayuki mere seconds ago.

"I gotta get back to work," she says.

Zen and Shirayuki exchange looks.

"Oh? Let me walk you back," he replies. Shirayuki nods enthusiastically and begins to follow the three others out of the fighting area. Zen gestures for Shania to do the same and the two begin the trek back to her stall.

As they march through the busy grounds, Shania can't help the feeling of unease rush up her spine. She looks around frantically for the eyes she feels watching her, but she can't spot a thing over the crowd.

"Is everything alright between you two?" Zen asks in a low voice, walking slightly slower so the others don't overhear.

"It's... complicated," she replies.

"He hasn't mentioned anything to us."

"I wouldn't have expected him to."

Zen seems to contemplate something, looking up at Obi some ways away, before brushing it aside and changing the subject. "Are you coming to the ball tomorrow night?" He inquires.

Shania, completely forgetting the invitation she was given a week prior, tilts her head to think. "Still figuring that one out. I don't quite see the point."

"It's a formality for us royals. A celebration—like today—but for the higher powers and their guests."

This makes Shania's nose crinkle.

With a small chuckle, Zen places a hand on her shoulder. "If not for yourself, then take it as an invitation from me." When Shania looks up in confusion he continues. "My aids, including Shirayuki will be there. It would be good to see you there."

"I'll think about it."

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