Chapter 18 - Delicate Dancing

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Chapter 18 — Delicate Dancing


The night following the festival, the castle lights up once again with dazzling chandeliers, mesmerising music and sparkling ballgowns. Gathered in a large ballroom is an assortment of nobles, royals and guests of the higher party. Chatter fills the space not already occupied by music, and the energy seems pleasant.

Obi glances here and there throughout the room, rather unamused by the dancing couples and glittering gowns. Shirayuki and Zen converse some ways away, but the assassin keeps his eyes from wandering to them. Kiki and Mitsuhide are also enjoying each other's company, though only a step away from Obi. He lets out a sigh. How long does this ball go for? He doesn't know and honestly doesn't have the energy to try and work it out.

Moments after Obi's eyes take another sweep of the room, his senses spike. He jolts in place as his amber eyes lock onto the person chatting calmly with Prince Izana; the soft ruffles of her dress clung delicately to her body, looking so unnaturally beautiful and yet so perfect. his heart leaps, cheeks flushing faintly. If Obi couldn't talk to her before, he definitely won't be able to now.

Shania still ponders why on earth she accepted the invite sent not only by Izana but by Zen as well. Maybe she accepted out of kindness, maybe out of curiosity. Whatever the reason, the female stands before Prince Izana dressed up in an outfit that is not hers, hair expertly styled by a beautician she has never met.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice," Izana greets.

"Of course, your Majesty," Shania replies, lowering herself momentarily. "Though I will admit it was a surprise, I am honoured nonetheless."

"Since you no longer need to hide your nobility from your companions, I see it only fitting to invite you to such occasions."

'Not entirely true,' she wishes to reply but simply offers a "Thank you," before departing to tour the atmospheric ballroom. She aimlessly glides around, eyes moving every which way, but she is on a hunt to find her familiar companions.

Zen and Shirayuki are the first Shania spots. She ponders going over to say hello, but their love-locked gazes tell her otherwise. So the brunette continues on for a few more minutes. It doesn't take long after to pinpoint Mitsuhide from across the room, his unique hair standing out against the crowd, his height adding a helping bonus. Beside him is Kiki, both passing small words as they look out around the hustle and bustle. Then, not even a foot from them is Obi. He is faced in her direction, golden gaze trailing her attire in a way that makes her shiver, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly rising a few degrees.

She makes her way over.

"I'm glad you could make it," Kiki speaks first.

"I'm not sure if I can say the same," Shania laughs, tugging at her high-collared dress. "I mean, it's great to see all of you again. But I would have rathered it be in a less formal setting."

"Did you ever go to balls like this?" Mitsuhide asks. "Back in the castle?"

"Once or twice, yes. But for those occasions, I was either dragged away by the princess or clung to the second prince's arm. It was always so hectic. Never a boring moment in it." The happy reminiscing sends unwanted tingles through the blacksmith's muscles.

"Did you ever dance?" Kiki asks next.

"At the engagement ball. I may or may not have bruised the Prince's toes."

The group chuckles before Kiki nudges her partner forward.

"You must be out of practice. Mitsuhide would be happy to help."


"Come on, Mitsuhide," Shania says, grabbing the man's arm gently. She doesn't notice Obi's eyes watching her every action. "Ready to get your feet squashed?" Before he can reply, Shania is already dragging the man out to the dance floor, both laughing jovially.

Kiki watches as Obi tightens his balled fists, eyes unwavering from the brunette's form.

"It looks like you would prefer to be the one dancing," she pipes up. Obi looks at her for only a moment. "Then I expect her next dance is taken."

The music on the dance floor swells in a rhythmic dance, and Shania and Mitsuhide twirl and glide across the ballroom floor. Mitsuhide makes sure to keep a close eye on his toes and makes sure to keep his hands respectfully placed, but Obi continues to watch them with a mixture of conflicting emotions. His eyes follow the two, unwavering until the song comes to a steady end.

Shania offers Mitsuhide a gracious smile and a polite thank you before excusing herself from the dance floor. Mitsuhide returns to Kiki's side, a playful smirk on his face.

"Well, all my toes are accounted for," he remarks.

Obi, unable to contain his restlessness, spurred by the nudge of Kiki's elbow, strides forward, intercepting Shania before she can escape into the crowd.

"Fancy a dance with me, Miss?" He quips, a hint of tension evident in his voice.

Shania raises an eyebrow, surprise glinting in her eyes. She covers it up quickly with a smirk.

"Are you sure about that?" She teases. "Never seen you dance before."

Obi holds out his hand in reply. Shania places her fingers delicately in it, feeling the warm, rough surface of a worker's hand, and goosebumps appear across her arm. Obi leads them onto the dance floor, and Shania catches the encouraging faces of Zen and Shirayuki at the edge of the crowd.

The two take the dance slowly, Obi, though somewhat proficient with dancing, is out of practice, and Shania is desperate not to trip over herself as she feels how close his body is to hers. The warmth she has been craving is now right before her, his hand in her, the other resting delicately on her waist. On occasion his fingers grip and loosen their hold, sending butterflier soring through her.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Shania breaks it with a gentle sigh.

"Obi," she begins, her eyes searching for his sincerity. "I know something has been going on between us."

She feels his hand clasp her side tighter.

"I don't care if you won't tell me, but I don't want this to pull us apart. I miss seeing you around, spending time together while I work, hearing you call me from whatever odd place you sit in." She chuckles at the odd memories. "I just... I want us to go back to that."

The music shifts to a slower melody and Obi pulls her a little closer, the warmth of their bodies melding in the dance. Shania takes a deep breath.

Obi looks away, a flicker of something crossing his features, before masking it with an attempt at a sly grin. "You're asking for trouble, Miss."

"I've never been one to shy away from trouble," she replies.

"You don't understand, Shania. It's complicated."

"Then help me understand." She grips his hand tighter. Obi slowly shakes his head, his eyes reflecting turmoil as he glances up at the scarring hidden under her hair. "I don't want us to be distant like this. Can we at least... somewhat be friends again?" The word almost catches in her throat.

Obi hesitates but finally nods. "Yeah, we can try."


A grin spreads across Shania's face, rising to her eyes, showing off her smile lines. As the music slows to an end, the two make their way off the dance floor, arm in arm.

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