Chapter 9 - No Dream Is Just Fantasy

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Chapter 9 — No Dream Is Just Fantasy


"Thank you again for walking me back," Shania says, turning around with a hand on the Forge's doorknob to smile politely at Obi. She is truly happy every time she gets to chat with the ex-assassin, and lately, those chances have become more frequent.

"I would do it again gladly," he replies, bowing low and dramatically, showing off his smile.

Shania chuckles softly as she waves Obi off, watching as he trudges to the edge of town and immediately finds his way up the nearest tree. Although he is some ways away, she can make out the turn of his head as he looks back her way, the unwillingness to leave holding his body there until the heavy wooden door obscures her view of him. After the sound of the latch clicks, Shania turns on her heels and leans against the wood, releasing a long sigh. The day has tired her out beyond belief and she knows she won't be able to do any more work until the next morning. So, with the promise of a soft mattress to rest on, the brunette heaves herself from the doorframe and ambles through the forge, passing the only resident left in the room, Mare Macknol, hammering away in the corner. Up the stairs she finds her nest of worn blankets, quickly laying down on them as she lets sleep take her away at last.

"Shania, are you in here?"

A familiar lilting voice calls her name as Shania opens her eyes, taking in the deep red ceiling above her, contrasted by the blue sky outside the window. She sits up slowly from atop the window nook, scanning the library's interior for the person who has called.

"Over here, Princess," Shania calls back. She removes the novel lying on her chest and marks her place before spotting a head of bouncing red hair behind a bookshelf. From around it comes a young, delicate-looking girl, her almond-coloured eyes wide with joy, reflecting the sparkle from her bejewelled dress.

"There you are," she says with a smile. "I knew I would find you here."

"I wouldn't rather be anywhere else, Princess," Shania replies.

"It's about time you stopped calling me that, Shania. You're soon to be my sister."

Shania lowers her eyes, that odd feeling coming over her again. Betrothed. She still can't believe it. "It all feels so weird... I've known you and your brother since we were young. Our families have always been connected...But I never would have guessed my future would be here. I mean, I'm glad it's with you, Sophie—" When Shania turns her head to look at her friend, her bumbling smile drops, finding no one there. "Sophie?" She looks to her other side but sees nothing. Once more she looks around, but this time a flickering light catches her eye.

As Shania starts to approach it the small light suddenly erupts into a fiery blaze, engulfing the bookshelf beside it with ease. She tumbles backwards, her back hitting the wall before she pushes off hurriedly, running towards the open library door. Heading down the long hallway she calls out for her friend, desperate to find her. When she doesn't hear a reply she tries opening to closest door to her. Locked. She looks from where she came, seeing the bright flames racing along the floor and walls destroying everything in its wake. She keeps running, finding another door. Also locked. When she tries going for another door, a horrid cracking sound comes from above, the sound piercing her eardrums.

Shania looks up just in time to see a large, charred, wood beam falling from the ceiling. She has no time to react as the impact of the burning wood crushes her to the ground, and she struggles desperately as she feels her bones crack and her skin burn. The only sound left is the screeches of pain coming from her own mouth.

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