Chapter 15 - Unease

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Chapter 15 — Unease


The following day dawns bright and clear, the warm rays of sun painting the grounds of Whistle Castle in a golden hue. The morning air is crisp, carrying with it the promise of a peaceful day.

Shania waits patiently outside the Ash'n'Fire workshop, ready to embark on her daily routine. Weapon deliveries are the less labour-heavy part of her job, but it is still a responsibility she takes seriously. She has ensured that every piece of weaponry is crafted to perfection, so it must be delivered to the buyer as such.

While lost in her own world, Shania is nudged by a fellow blacksmith who holds with him the final piece of her supply run. She thanks the man generously and gathers swords and shields into the awaiting cart. As she makes sure each item is securely placed within the transportation, she can't help the lingering unease swell within her. She's felt like this all morning—like a pair of eyes are trailing her constantly. Shania simply chalks it down as the after-effect of the evening before, though she is still paranoid otherwise. The unexpected encounter with Prince Izana and everything that came with it has left her emotionally drained. She wishes to lay down and curl into a ball, but there are tasks to attend to. Sleeping can come after.

Shania makes her rounds as per usual, delivering to various parts of town before making it to the castle grounds. From there she navigates to the armoury, first stopping by the guard station to clear the new equipment with them. It's standard procedure so Shania can't complain even if she worries that her equipment will be stolen every time she leaves it in the courtyard to find the place. Though, as of late a certain feline companion has been watching over it for her. In fact, Shania has come to expect the man's presence every time her daily routine leads her within the castle walls. But, on this particular day, his absence is very notable.

Obi, the mysterious royal messenger who often greets her with a cheeky grin and a quick word, is nowhere to be found. She knows that Obi lives within the castle grounds and often wanders its corridors when he isn't busy with his messenger duties, so the fact she has not seen a glimpse of him is strange. His absence feels unusual.

Shania has grown accustomed to their brief but pleasant encounters to the point where his presence has become a source of comfort to her, a bright spot in her otherwise concealed life. Not having his odd remarks and cheeky smile leaves an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, a sense of something amiss.

Taking one final glance around the courtyard, having returned to her cart of equipment, Shania decides to brush the feeling aside. This isn't the first time Obi has disappeared without a trace, off to fulfil the wishes of his master. So, with a long breath to help ease her worry, Shania heads off to complete her duties.

Sometime later, Shania returns to her room on the second floor of the blacksmith's, done with work for the day and utterly exhausted. Despite her conviction and pep talk earlier in the day, Shania can't shake the worry that has settled in her stomach.

'This is all so stupid...' She thinks, removing layers from her body to ease into her rest time. Sitting on her bed, she considers her next actions carefully. 'Surely everything is alright. I should just wait and see if he turns up tomorrow... But he disappeared so suddenly and after yesterday's talk—'

Shania lets out a loud sigh and clutches her head with both hands, curling her knees to her chest. She shuts her eyes tight as if with some miracle it will help her racing thoughts.

'Who am I kidding, I'm absolutely overreacting... If something truly terrible has happened to Obi, I know at least Shirayuki will let me know.'

With a heavy heart, Shania decides to bide her time, hoping that he will return soon. She can't deny that a part of her has grown fond of the charming messenger, and the prospect of his lengthy absence leaves her feeling strangely incomplete.

As the hours pass, Shania's thoughts continue to drift back to the events of the previous day—the unexpected proposal, the disclosure of her past, and the understanding she has found in Zen and the others. It is a lot to process, and she can't help but feel a sense of relief that the matter has been put to rest. But doubt still weighs on her heart. She didn't imagine the look Obi wore as he listened to her story. He was troubled, she just hasn't figured out why yet.

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