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"damn Uchiha, I told you I would break all you're bones to bring you back...!" Naruto grunted, a hole in his chest, blood dripping down the side of his head, the weight of Sasuke on his back unconscious and bloodied.

Naruto stumbled slightly but kept moving forward to Konohagakure, he looked up to see the gates and pushed himself to run forward, he ran with the weight of Sasuke on his back and pushed through the gates breathing heavily.

Sakura gasped when she had seen Sasuke and Naruto and raced at them as Naruto collapsed to the ground, his world turned back once he hit the dirt.

Naruto caught the scent of cleaning alcohol and the smell of a hospital, his eyes fluttered open to see the hospital ceiling and the smell of alcohol stronger. He had a feeling that something was about to happen and honestly to say he didn't care what happened to him, he had the strongest feeling the council was going to do something but he had no clue how right he was.

He sat up despite the pain telling him to just lay back down, he ignored it having delt with it all his life since he could walk.

He changed his clothes and walked out with his headband on his head and walked out of the hospital just as ANBU came to him "the council has summoned you" He reported and Naruto sighed "I'll be there" he grumbled under his breath but nodded to the ANBU who vanished, with his hands in his pockets he went to the council room when he got to the door he could hear talking and yelling from the council and Tsunade.

He opened the door to see a bunch of smirking council men and a glaring Tsunade but the glare wasn't for Naruto it was for the council, Naruto could see so much hate radiating off the old woman and he could feel her hatred at all the council men.

"Ah, you've arrived demon" Mebuki, head of the civilian council announced silencing the room and everyone in it. Tsunade sent a very sympathetic look at him and a silent "I'm really sorry Gaki", Naruto noticed that and responded to the silent conversation with her that he didn't blame her for anything that was about to happen and looked back at the council.

"What do you want old hag?" Naruto asked, blank faced.
Mebuki glared "watch how you talk to me demon" she sneered, he shrugged.
"Just get to the point you called me here for" he said bluntly.
He noticed all the civilians on the civilian council were all smirking while the Shinobi council was glaring so hard at the civilians including Tsunade. "He's not a demon, Mebuki he's a child" Shikaku snapped calmly at the old woman.
"Nonsense Shikaku, he's a demon no matter what you say"
"Will you get to the point old hag? Please I'm bored"
The Shinobi council and Tsunade snickered and few snorts at that.

Mebuki glared again but cleared her throat.

"You Naruto Uzumaki are banished from Konohagakure" she announced with the biggest grin she's ever mustered "so that's why granny said that" Naruto concluded in his head.

Naruto looked at her blankly "you really are an old hag, probably why I like granny Tsunade way better then your old ass" Naruto said amused but gave no facial expression but the tone he used made the woman steam with rage and for Tsunade to burst out into a howl of laughter.

"God damn demon! Watch your tongue!" Mebuki growled "why? I'm stating facts really. Granny here" Naruto started pointing at the still laughing Tsunade who looked ready to fall out of her seat "is in her fifty's and look how young she looks, while you on the other hand" directing his finger at Mebuki who was steaming with rage "have wrinkles and the old gray hair that's been forming since I turned eight. You are an old hag and have been since you came into power that you had somehow achieved with your fat lazy, power hungry ass" Naruto finished and now the entire Shinobi council was just laughing their asses off at Naruto's blunt discription of the women.

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