ShikaNaru child

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When Naruto woke up for the seventh day that week he was over the toilet throwing up. Shikamaru rubbed his back while getting him a glass of water "Ugh why do I feel like throwing up!!" Naruto whined as he finished throwing up into the toilet and took the glass of water Shikamaru handed him.

"I don't know, well head to Konan Later to find out the problem. In the meantime don't over work yourself in case your sick" Naruto pouted "but I don't get sick, poisons don't work on me" he said "and this probably isn't a poison. You could be sick even if it's rare for you" Shikamaru picked him as the boy squeaked and kept ahold of the cup from falling to the ground "you always squeak when I pick you up" he chuckled as Naruto puffed his cheeks "cause usually when you do, your shoving you're demon stick up my ass" the blonde retorted "and you like this demon stick up your ass" Naruto blushed and Shikamaru only chuckled again at the blondes red tanned cheeks.

Carrying Naruto to the tower many passing by greeted them and with Shikamaru's nod they walked away to continue their day, opening the door with his foot he walked inside with the blonde Konan looked at them from her desk with a snicker "Konan, tell Shika to put me down" Naruto whined "I don't think I will, cause it's cute" Naruto whined again as Konan laughed "speaking of which" Shikamaru walked over setting Naruto on a nearby chair "this one here, keeps throwing up and we were wondering what the problem was" Konan looked at Naruto "how long has he kept throwing up?" She asked letting her hands turn green and running them over Naruto "about seven days now" she had a vague Idea on what the issue was before a smile spread across her lips.

The couple looked at her confused "I know why Naruto-sama is throwing up now" Naruto puffed his cheeks "Stop it with the Naruto-sama!!!" She giggled "No" he pouted grumbling away at how their friends and she doesn't need to do that but honestly she loves doing it and blames Itachi for rolling her in but it was worth it. "So why does he keep throwing up?" Shikamaru asked "he's pregnant" Naruto's cheeks turned deep red while Shikamaru's ended up heating up but not to Naruto's extent "b-but I'm a boy! I can't get pregnant" Naruto squealed in exclamation "Naruto, hunny, your half fox a s with the Kyuubi you can get pregnant. It's how the Uzumaki male line works" Naruto stood up marching straight to find Nagato "he can get pregnant?" She nodded and a grin spread across the Nara's face.

When he walked away from Konan he found his Blonde yelling at Nagato for not telling him that Uzumaki males can get pregnant but Nagato only chuckled "you never asked Naruto-sama" Naruto groaned with frustration at the title since becoming Uzukage. Shikamaru merely wrapped his arms around his blondes waist "stop yelling at Nagato, so noisy" Naruto flicked his head in retaliation of annoyance.

Konan was no doubt going to tell Neji and Kiba about this and he was betting the Inuzuka and Hyūga were going to get together soon he just knew it.

Shikamaru knowing he was going to have another child with Naruto felt horny for his blonde "let's go" he unwrapped his arms from around Naruto and took them to the office and locked the door when they were inside and Shikamaru pinned Naruto to the desk "don't tell me your horny!" Naruto exclaimed with deep blush "oh but I am and only you can satisfy me" locking his lips with Naruto the blonde was under the Nara's control.

Kurama let some of his chakra escape info Shikamaru to claim Naruto during their sex time.

Oh he was glad to be alive to make fun of his Jinchuriki for being a BOTTOM.

A/N: No full sex scene again, sorry. Hey maybe I might do a Nejikiba If they get together ((' ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)) I will know if the do while y'all might not but hey- what's life without guessing??

Also just because I posted this chapter doesn't mean I don't want y'all to read Potions Fiasco (I'M BEGGING Y'ALL TO READ IT WE'RE ALMOST AT 30 CHAPTERS AND IT'S BRAND SPANKING NEW WITH A BEAUTIFUL RE-WRITE ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)



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