the other boy

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"lorelai can we please talk about this?" jeremiah said, chasing after to me into the house. i ran up the stairs, crying hysterically, "please rory im sorry!"

"leave me alone jeremiah!" i cried, slamming my door shut and locking it. he pounded his fist on the other side, begging me to let him in but i wasn't.

i collapsed onto the floor, my back resting against the door while i curled into a ball, crying.

my heart ached.

everything was ruined now.

jeremiah and i are done.
i don't even know what to say about belly.
i know for a fact that i do not want to talk to her right now. maybe not for a while.

suddenly she's the victim and i'm viewed as the bad guy in her eyes? i was going to tell her eventually. but she knew i was in love with him and she still kissed him.

why belly? why?

after what felt like forever, i got up off the floor and changed into pajamas which was just a huge sweatshirt.

my phone would not stop dinging. i grabbed the stupid thing and shut it off.

a knock was heard at my door. i groaned and got up, "if this is jeremiah or belly, go away!"

"it's not."


i unlocked my door, finding the boy standing outside with two bowls of ice cream in his hands. he looked at me and sadly smiled, "ice cream?"

i smiled and nodded, allowing him in.

i collapsed onto my bed with a sigh as conrad handed me a bowl, "i'm sorry about everything. i had no idea you and jere were something. none of us did."

"it's not your fault," i said softly, "it's mine for believing he actually wanted to be with me."

"he does, rory."

"i doubt it."

the chocolate ice cream was melting.
it was like me in a weird way.

"is belly actually going to the ball with jeremiah?"

conrad sighed and nodded, "yeah."

"oh." i closed my eyes as i begin crying again. conrad wrapped an arm around me, comforting me. i felt stupid. really stupid. was i just a distraction for jeremiah? did he just use me to get belly jealous?

do i mean nothing to him?


it was the next morning. my eyes opened due to the bright sun shining down on me. the ice cream bowl from last night was resting on my nightstand, all empty.

conrad stayed with me until i fell asleep.

"morning," a low voice said from next to me. my eyes widened when i saw a shirtless conrad laying next to me, "sleep good?"

"um," that's when i realized i was naked as well and i quickly covered myself up, "yeah, you?"

"yeah." he smiled, pulling me into him. i sighed and rested my head on his chest. the feeling of his heart pounding was relaxing me in a weird way.

did i have sex with conrad fisher last night?

oh fuck. i think i did.

"i have a question," the boy said, playing with my hair.

"what is it?"

"want to go to the deb ball with me? i can be your date."

a smile formed on my face and i nodded, sitting up, "yes."

he smiled and the two of us leaned in, slowly. the door slammed open and in walked laurel and susannah, smiles on both their faces, "todays the day-"

the smiles on their faces dropped, seeing us laying in bed together.

oh shit.

"connie, rory, i didn't know you two were...." susannah trailed off, sounding shocked and also confused.

"get out mom." conrad threw a pillow at her, making the three of us laugh.

"okay okay. breakfast is downstairs and rory meet me outside so i can paint your portrait." susannah said before she and laurel left.

"cant believe that just happened." conrad laughed, sitting up in bed.


"i'll meet you downstairs." i watched as he pulled on his shirt and leaned down to kiss my lips. the kiss was sweet.

he smiled and i waved to him as he left my room.

oh lord.

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