The note

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It's been three days since Naruto's banishment and Shikamaru could see how much this village has changed.

Villagers are happy and some are throwing parties to celebrate the non-existence that is Naruto Uzumaki. It disgusted Shikamaru to no end that the villagers were happy the blonde was gone.

An ANBU earlier came to him saying he was summoned by the hokage, so here he was currently walking down the dirt road to the tower with his hands in his pockets with a glum aura but bored facial expression.

There were a couple of his friends who missed Naruto while the others didn't.

The ones who did was choji, kiba and Akamaru, neji, shino and Lee and tenten.

The ones who didn't was Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata.

Even some of the sensei's missed the blonde.

Hinata came forward and said that Naruto was to blame for her shy status, even when she had a crush on the blonde and kept stalking him to which she refrained from mentioning and so some and all of the civilians took her side saying the "monster forced you to act shy" and some other shit.

The ones who didn't believe her rolled their eyes at her excuse and generally stopped talking to her after that, even the others who hated and despised Naruto they stopped talking to them too.

He looked at all the happy villagers who let their kids out now that they heard Naruto was gone, their aura's felt like a burden was lifted and they thought Naruto was the cause of everything from the nine tails attack. Shikamaru rolled his eyes and huffed to himself "damn village" he muttered annoyed to himself and entered the tower then walked passed the receptionist whom he ignored and walked straight to the hokage's office.

He knocked twice and received the enter response, he opened the door to see a drunk Tsunade and a worried Shizune who turned to Shikamaru "ah, you're here. Lady Tsunade asked me to give you this" she picked up a rolled up note and held it out for Shikamaru who walked over and took it, untying the string and un-rolled the note than began to read.


Dear Shikamaru,

I know of you're reading this then it means the council had banished me, honestly at this point I knew those old fogeys and hags were up to something. But the reason for my banishment is because I injured their "precious Uchiha" and brought him back half dead. Correction I brought him back unconscious not half dead but their too stupid to see that.

Shikamaru snorted at that but kept reading.

"So if granny Tsunade has given this to you then that means my small little mission is complete. Anyway, I miss you so much. It's lonely out here but I'll get used to it, and plus I'm free from the council and village! They can't do shit to me now cause I'm free!

Yes I do miss our hangouts and our other togetherness things but I'm not going back to Konohagakure cause I plan to bring back Uzushiogakure! It was the Uzumaki clan, my clan, and I'm ready to bring it back. If you don't remember where's it at since you're Nara brain runs 24/7 and you sleep half the time then I'll remind you, it's in the land of whirlpools which is possibly where I'm currently at, not sure just yet.

Anyway, there is a second note in this letter for everyone who's names are written I want you to say hi for me.

Shikamaru looked at the small piece of paper that was attached to the letter with the names.

I don't know when I'll be able to see you again but just know I'm never really dead, just exploring and being free from those damn fogeys and hags. So if you happen to come across me don't bother trying to bring me back to Konohagakure cause I will plain out refuse and disappear on you, anyways I've got to go. I still need to grab the rest of my belongings in my apartment and then leave this village. Oh don't forget to tell you're clan I said hi as well! They've always done so much for me when I was growing up they deserve a hi from me.

I'll see you sometime you lazy Nara.


You're troublesome blonde
Naruto Uzumaki


Shikamaru slightly clenched his fists and the papers slightly. He clenched his teeth together, biting back a growl that was wanting to escape his throat.

Shizune watched his reaction and knew the Nara was pissed, the drunk Tsunade looked at him. "Tell that Gaki, he better write to me" she hiccuped and slurred her words caused by the drunkness of sake. Her head fell to the desk and she was out cold, Shizune sweatdropped and looked back at Shikamaru "you're free to leave, I'll need to get back to paperwork and wait for lady Tsunade to wake up. Eventually" she sighed and sat back at her desk with tongtong and Shikamaru nodded walking out the door and shutting it behind him.

He looked at the small piece of paper and looked at all the names Naruto wanted to say hi to. He pushed them in his pockets and started to go around the village to the names of the people and relayed the hi's for Naruto.

Some almost cried when Shikamaru said Naruto wished to say through him and some were very grateful that Naruto didn't forget them. Akumaru whimpered but perked at Naruto's name and kiba gave a grateful smile that Naruto's name made Akumaru happy and not sad.

He even relayed the hi's to his clan from Naruto and all were happy that Naruto was finally free from Konohagakure. He went to his room after dinner that his mother prepared and began writing to Naruto and also making a plan for very soon.


Chapter written: November 27, 2022.

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