In the Stepstones

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Daemon's tent, Daemon's war camp, the Stepstones

Late 113 AC (six months after Maekar's birth)

"My prince, a letter." the messenger said, bowing.

"From where?" Daemon grunted.

"Caelum." the messenger answered.

Daemon froze. Caelum, his wife's seat, a letter form his wife.

"Give it to me, and leave." Daemon snarled, taking the letter and the messenger swiftly left the tent.

The second son of Baelon the Brave ripped open the envelope, holding the letter in his hands as he read the High Valyrian. The date showed that it was six months ago when the letter had been sent.


I do hope you're winning ground and that you have a long term plan to hold the Stepstones. I can talk to Father about founding House Targaryen of the Stepstones.

Anyways, I have news about our family.

Most likely who Rhaenyra would marry. But he almost choked on air when he read the next part of the letter.

Three days ago I gave birth to your child, our son.

His name is Maekar, and it means protector in High Valyrian. Maekar is the heir of the Midnight Throne. He is a happy and strong babe with silver-white hair and deep purple eyes.

Princess Elaera Targaryen, Lady of the Midnight Fortress, Princess of Caelum.

His eyes read 'your child, our son' thrice before he sat down.

"Maekar." he whispered, his son's name. "I have a son."

And I'm going to miss so much.

That is today's chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it.

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