Interlude: The Firstborn Son

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The Midnight Fortress, Caelum

127 AC

Maekar, as heir of the Midnight Throne, regularly helped his mother when it came to running Caelum. 

But today he had free time, so he made way for his mother's private library, which was off limits to everyone but the personal librarian, Lady Emily Arryn, the hand selected and personally trained servants to work in the library, and the Targaryen that lived in the Midnight Fortress.

Pushing open the door, Maekar entered and smiled, automatically relaxing.

The library took up the entire fourth floor of the fortress, boasting a massive wraparound balcony and windows all around to let in the light and to give breath taking views of the island. Couches, tables, and chairs were in the room, with thick rugs as well. 

Bookshelves were everywhere, with books in Common Tongue, High Valyrian, the several bastard Valyrian tongues, and half a dozen other tongues he didn't know neatly categorized. 

Many books shared copies in the Great Library. The topics the books had ranged from astrology to Physics to Light, with poems, plays, nonfiction and fiction books thrown in. There were at least or maybe more two dozen rare books.

Elaera didn't mind the public in her castle, but she was firm and protective of her privacy and her family's privacy. Everything after the second floor was off limits to the public, visiting lords, ladies, and residents of the island alike.

He grabbed a Valyrian law and government book and sat on a chair, getting lost in it. Like his mother and siblings, he could pick up any book and enjoy it.

Maekar's thumb hit lettering carved into the back of the cover, and he flipped to it.

A rare book on the laws and government of Old Valyria, my dear wife. I hope you enjoy it.

—D. Targaryen

Oh, it was on of the books his Kepa got for his mother. Checking the date it entered the library, it was the same year his father had come back to Caelum.

Unlike his siblings, Maekar remembered three years were Daemon Targaryen wasn't on Caelum, where he wasn't there for his children's firsts.

The Prince of the City had missed his firstborns first words, first steps, and other firsts. At least he hadn't missed his firstborn's very first dragon flight.

His Kepa regretted that, Maekar knew. Missing out on his son's early life, running off to the Stepstones.

"What are you reading?" a voice asked and Maekar yelped, jumped, falling flat on his back onto the couch, remembering the others who could enter the library.

An amused pair of emerald green eyes meet his deep purple, black strands falling into his face. Maekar resisted the urge to brush the strands away as his fingers flecked.

After the Targaryens, a select few could enter. His mother's Ladies in Waiting were allowed into the library whenever they wanted, as many hadn't married and remained virgins, dedicated to their respective fields.

Except for Jocasta Lannister, who had married Hadrian Baratheon, and the two had been given a small castle/fortress as a wedding gift. They had a ten year old daughter, Eileen Baratheon, who was Baela and Rhaena's best friend.

But they had adopted Ethan Baratheon, the only child of the brief marriage of Cerelle Lannister, Jocasta's cousin, and Charles Baratheon, Hadrian's brother. Cerelle had died in childbirth, and Charles had been killed fighting in the Stepstones.

So the couple had adopted him as their eldest son and heir of their small but rich keep, which was near a diamond mine and overlooked a small, private cove.

Ethan was two years older than Maekar, with the Baratheon black hair and emerald green eyes of his mother, and had an inch of hight over Maekar.

The heir of Caelum's parents had told him that they knew of his... preferences (Uncle Laenor had been a massive help when he first learned of his preferences, and he mourned his uncle and father figure deeply) and didn't mind. Which relieved him, and Baela could be his heiress they pointed out, if he did not wish to marry.

"A Valyrian book on law." he mumbled.

"Interesting. Any recommendations." Ethan said, helping him up. He was sweaty... which meant had been in the training yard... shirtless possibly.

He pointed down. "The war books are that way. There's two rare ones there, and if you break one mom will lose her mind."

"Thanks." Ethan grinned brightly, and Maekar nodded shyly before blushing furiously the moment Ethan's back was facing him.

Fourteen Flames, to be in Valyria, where no one would bat in eye about same sex relationships.

That is today's chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Maekar is gay, Ethan is bisexual with preference for men. 

Fight me I fucking dare you, and if you don't like it, I won't change it no matter how much you complain.

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