News from the Stepstones

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Gardens of the Midnight Fortress, Caelum

115 AC

Caelum and Everlight Haven had become a trading hotspot, a place where ships could get a rest break before continuing on their journey.

And as a side affect, scholars and artisans traveled to the island. The Great Library had always been well preserved by the Master Scholars since the Valyrians, but it was truly flourishing.

"There's word from the Stepstones." Teresa commented. It had been a month since the royal hunt, and Rhaenyra had killed both a boar and the White Hart.

"Truly?" the seventeen year old princess inquired. The two girls had been conducting experiments on a variety of plants to understand traits that seemed to be inherited independently from other traits in the species: seed shape, flower color, seed coat tint, pod shape, unripe pod color, flower location, and plant height.

Several other scientists and botanists had joined, adding their own work to it but Elaera had been the patron of the product.

The groups combine efforts had shown that when true breeding of the same species crossed with each other, in the next generation some had purebred receive traits, as the Valyrian book Botany 101 called it, others were hybrids, and one or two were purebred dominate.

Since the groups combine work on plant trait inheritance spanned over a decade, they moved to studying human traits. They used themselves as test subjects first.

The smallfolk of Caelum agreed to be part of the project, and the group had found similarities like in plants on traits that passed from parents to children, such as hair color, eye color, skin tone, and facial features.

Allyria had been used as a test subject of sorts with her permission. Since children sired by male members of House Baratheon always had black hair and almost always had blue eyes, the scientists believed they sported very strong dominate genes.

A few Maesters were even joining in, despite the Citadel's hemming and hawing over the discoveries that had been made.

"Daemon killed the Crabfeeder. Word from Mysaria and I spies indicate that the King wants to make House Targaryen of Bloodstone, founded form either from a spare child of Rhaenyra or another possible child of yours." the Tyrell Lady said.

"And my husband is...?" the Silver Princess drawled.

"Likely going to King's Landing first, then here." Teresa said.

Elaera hummed and put down her work, picking up Maekar who was playing with a few toys at her feet. "Mama!" Maekar smiled, hugging her. "Love you."

"I love you too." Elaera murmured, holding her son close. "Even if your father doesn't, I will always love you Maekar."

That is today's chapter.

All credit about the discoveries in this chapter goes to George Mendel, who was a biologist, meteorologist, mathematician, Augustinian friar and abbot of St. Thomas' Abbey in Brünn.

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